Sunday, September 19, 2010

Money can't buy me love

In 1964 in the midst of their recent "British Invasion", The Beatles released the single 'Can't buy me love'. The song featured the popular verse "I don't care too much for money, 'cause money can't buy me love." Imagine the irony then, since most boxing fans, including myself, love Floyd Mayweather, Jr. the boxer, but can't stand his alter ego 'Money' Mayweather.

Also, how ironic that someone who calls himself 'Money' and flaunts it every chance he gets should be arrested for domestic violence against the woman he loves, the mother of his children. I guess someone should have explained to Floyd that the song was talking about prostitution then maybe he wouldn't have taken it so literally.

Mayweather, arguably and most notably the number one pound for pound fighter in the world when it comes to boxing, was arrested recently and charged with eight counts, four felonies and four misdemeanors, including domestic violence and theft. While we all know it would never happen, if convicted of all the charges put up against him, he could face a total of 34 years in prison.

Just the idea and statement alone of 34 years in prison doesn't seem befitting of such a champion, but then again this is all we seem to be getting lately from the so called "first family of boxing." If it isn't Floyd getting in trouble with the law, whether it is this or previous tax evasion charges or producing racially slurred and profanity laced videos on the Internet, then it's his trainer and uncle former world champion Roger Mayweather.

Roger himself is dealing with his own domestic violence issues, stemming from charges he struck and choked a former female boxer he trained, Melissa St. Vil. While everyone is innocent until proven guilty, seems like where there's smoke there's fire or at least a Mayweather. Of course, Floyd, Sr., Junior's father and Roger's older brother, is never far from controversy himself.

Are they a dysfunctional family? Yes, but no one can deny their prowess, knowledge and skill when it comes to the sport of boxing. This is why it's such a shame that when we hear the name Mayweather anymore it is usually associated with something negative outside the ring versus being revered for their accomplishments in it.

If Floyd, Jr. had put more effort and emphasis in getting the fight together between he and Manny Pacquiao, who knows, maybe his focus would've been there versus getting himself into trouble. That said, when it comes to that issue, the pendulum swings both ways and I think Manny Pacquiao and his camp didn't help matters any. As a matter of fact, as much as I like Pacquiao, I chastise him for agreeing to fight Antonio Margarito, a known cheat; but that is a story for another day.

So, where does that leave Floyd Mayweather? At this point, it leaves him fighting to defend himself; unfortunately he's going to be doing it in a courtroom and not a ring. As boxing fans, we were already tired of all the wrangling back and forth on whether or not he and Pacman would ever fight and had begun to move forward.

Now with this latest and possibly serious issue of legal trouble surrounding him, the last thing we're thinking about is Floyd in the ring. It should be noted that seven years ago Josie Harris, the mother of his children who is accusing him now, did the same back then and eventually dropped the charges and changed her story two years later. Although this time this all appears to be part of a love triangle with Harris being the focal point between Mayweather and Chicago Bulls point guard CJ Watson.

It looks as though Floyd 'Money' Mayweather is about to be humbled and learn a valuable lesson; you can only flaunt your wealth but so much. Money can buy you a lot of things, and in his case many luxuries in life. However, there is one thing that still rings true after 46 years, "money can't buy me love."

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