Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fashion Week in London is calling one of to take a guess?

Here's a pic in case you need more's Mags.

Anthony, aka Mags, is headed across the pond to dive balls first into London's amazing fashion week.

Don't despair if you are like me and can't make it to England.   Mags will be keep a running video diary of all the fucking sweet new styles and clothing coming out of London and perhaps a visit or three to the pub.

Good luck buddy and have a blast!  Don't forget your passport, stash the drugs up your ass (hopefully you're past security by the time this posts or I might feel partially responsible for the subsequent search) and remember to have a pint for me. 



p.s.  I've posted a helpful tutorial in the event anyone has questions about the subtle nuances between English spoken here and across the pond.


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