Friday, September 10, 2010

Denny Crane would be rolling in his hide his boner

I've decided to do my part to help the environment.  No, I haven't planted a tree, adopted a kid or even a highway.  I'm tackling the real issues.

Water conservation.  I thought I was doing enough: I only take group showers and routinely pee in the sink, but I didn't feel as though I was making a difference.  Then I stumbled across Whiskey Stones:

These innovative soapstone cubes were designed by Andrew Hellman, a big fan of single malt scotch, who wanted to chill his spirits without diluting them. After much research, he came up with the idea of using natural soapstone to chill drinks due to its softness (won't scratch the glass) and its unique ability to retain temperature for extended periods of time. Milled in Perkinsville, Vermont by the oldest soapstone workshop in the United States.

I look back on my drinking binges and a small tear comes to my eye at how many ice cubes were needlessly discarded in my rocks glass.  It's a shame really, but now I can reduce my carbon footprint and my liver's natural output at the same time.  That's what I call a win win.

Also, for those you don't know who Denny Crane is...shame on you and get educated with the video below:

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