Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can you imagine the spray tan left on those sheets?

Much like hitting puberty or your mom finding your Playboys underneath the bed, we all knew this day would come.

There's allegedly a Jersey Shore sex tape...I'll wait while you recover from this bombshell.

Care to take a guess?

We had a running pool over at Raucus as to which guido/guidette would 'release' their sex tape.  My money was on The Orange Goblin aka Snookie.  Mags had the Situation and some grenade.  Turns out we were both wrong.  Here's the scoop straight from

 "Rumors are swirling that there may be a Jersey Shore sex tape starring Ronnie and Sammi. Reportedly, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Sammi Sweetheart Giancola made a sextape and then lost it." (source)

I can already imagine what this tape will look like if it ever surfaces. Just picture two Syracuse mascots going at while fist pumping to house music and you get the idea. If you're imagination sucks not to worry, I've provided what I feel is an accurate portrayal:

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