Monday, September 20, 2010

Live Faust Die Jung: Crossed by Garth Ennis & Jacen Burrows

This is the first installment of Live Faust Die Jung, the super clever title for graphic novel and book reviews.  So without any further delay...

If graphic novels were porn, Crossed would be a snuff film.

I've read everything from Fables to Y: The Last Man to Sin City to Preacher to The Sandman to The Boys and none of those novels has half the shock value of Crossed.

Set in a post-apocalyptic earth where the zombies aren't mindless, but are consumed by their darkest thoughts and desires.  It's like their id (think Freud) is allowed to run wild with an open invitation to commit the most depraved acts known to man.  Although these creatures look human they can be distinguished by the unusual cross-like scarring covering their faces...oh, and the fact they like to rip limbs off people and then proceed to fuck them.  Beyond that, completely normal.

What sets this graphic novel apart from traditional horror novels is the COMPLETE absence of hope.  It took me at least 100 pages to become nihilistic (completely uncaring) towards any character.  It sucked not pulling for any character to make it, but after I read and watched some of my favorite characters completely dismembered and debased as humans it made me isolate my emotions from the remaining cast so I wouldn't be crushed anymore.  Apart from The Dark Tower by Stephen King, I can't recall another novel that made me emotionally disinvest in the protagonists in the middle of the story.  It was a chilling experience, but unlike any I've ever felt while reading.

I highly recommend this novel to anyone with a warped (read: fucked up) imagination and a strong stomach.

So in other words, buy it now.  


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