Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Catcalling in the NFL...

Take a moment to admire the women before you...she's hot right?  Her name, if you don't already know, is Ines Sainz and she is a reporter for Azteca TV in Mexico.  Here is the story.

I just have one question for you, if she was doing a story on, oh let's say, bathroom etiquette on a construction site, do you think she would be the recipient of any "catcalls" or "ogling" of her backside when she was not looking??  Go a head, I'll wait....

OF COURSE she would, are you kidding me?  I mean there is always the chance that this construction site just happened to be made up of individuals who would rather discuss the next Village People reunion rather than ogle at this fine specimen, but in the event that this is any other construction site in the country, you can bet your sweet ass there would be some "catcalling," among other things I'm sure would far surpass the professionalism the NFL upholds.  Look at what this women wears to work, how can she not expect to get this kind of treatment?

If you want respect from a male dominated profession such as the NFL, you might want to start covering up the ta-tas and slap on a pair of pants that doesn't look like you painted them on.  No offense, but if you want to be treated like a professional you might want to start dressing like a professional.  In the words of Chris Rock, "If she's not a hooker, then why she got the uniform on?"

What are your thoughts?

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