Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wingman of the Week: Young Murtha aka Justin Bieber

Before you dismiss this week's wingman and toss me in the lake, pump the brakes and think about what Bieber could do for your game.  He routinely hangs out with Kim Kardashian and her amazing ass.

He may not be able to buy a pack of smokes yet, but this guy has grown women fawning all over him.  Just pretend you're his older brother and every cougar at his concert will happily take you to poundtown.

Granted the majority of his writing looks like this: 'Baby, baby, baby oh baby, baby baaaaaaaby, baby oh, baby, baby, baby ohhhhhh, baby baby, baby ohhhhh! Baby, baby, baby oh baby, baby baaaaaaaby, baby oh, baby, baby, baby ohhhhhh, baby baby, baby ohhhhh!'

But check out this video from and I think you'll see a different side of Biebs, plus it has Chuck Norris, a grizzly bear and a kitten. Gotta be something in there to trip your trigger.

Domo Arigato,


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