Thursday, February 17, 2011

West Coast Trends Brah: Starter Jackets

Hello from the West Coast,

If you were a young straight male during the 1990's it is almost a guarantee that you owned one thing...A Starter Jacket.

Sure these jackets were pretty awful in terms of warmth and water protectiveness, but they did allow you to tell your Mom you had a jacket before you left the house.  Do you remember the kangaroo pouch that you could never get all the crumbs out of?  Or the hoodie style pocket behind the pouch that you left your soaking wet gloves in all day long at school?  

Over the last few months these beautiful pieces of pullover goodness have made a resurgence.  Hipsters all over the Pacific Coast have been running to every second hand store to grab one of these iconic jackets.  Clearly this is not an everyday jacket, but pull this bad boy out on a Sunday funday and wait for the wows. Some of you might be lucky and still have one of these bad boys in your parent's closets.  If so reintroduce the world to your fandom, if not you better get to a thrift store asap.

Hugs and Kisses,

The Magnificent Left Coast

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