Tuesday, February 15, 2011

People You Should Know: Joe Lozito

Usually with the 'People You Should Know' post I highlight an actor or sports star I feel is flying under the radar.  Joe Lozito isn't either of those, but he is someone to be looked up to nonetheless.  Joe was minding his own business on the subway, when a serial killer decided to whip a knife out and count Joe as his next victim.  Seriously...dude whipped out a knife in an attempt to murder Joe. In public. On a subway.

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?!  I've had my fair share of crazies on subway rides. The only thing I'd expect them to pull out is their wieners.

Joe was able to not only fend off the bat shit crazy dude, but also subdued him.  Which is code for kicked his ass and held him down until the cops showed up.  How'd Joe learn these skills to defend himself?  It wasn't from years of military training, taking a karate class, or even blowing his rape whistle. Nope, Joe learned all his moves from watching the UFC.  Tell your girlfriend to think about that the next time she wants to know why you watch 'those stupid fights'.  And if she already likes the UFC then stop reading this shit immediately and give her some ground 'n' pound asap. 

Because if you don't, some other guy will.  Namely, me.

WAR Rua,


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