Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Mystery Behind Anderson Silva's Mask at UFC 126

If you watched UFC 126: Silva v Belfort you may have seen footage of Anderson Silva wearing a jaberwoki mask at the weigh-ins.  It was pretty fucking badass.  Not only did it look cool, but it made Belfort go from jovial to pissed off in about 2 seconds. In case you missed it, here are a few pics:

Silva retained his middleweight strap by knocking Belfort senseless with a front kick to the dome he learned from Steven Seagal.  Seriously, he actually learned it from Steven Seagal.  Here's some rare footage showing Silva's personal side and the origin of the mask.

Also, if you don't believe me about Steven Seagal teaching Silva the kick, here's video proof you untrusting prick.

Domo Arigato,


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