Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bet I know 400 people who thought the Super Bowl sucked...

Dallas News

Any respectable Bears fan would not have enjoyed the game this past Sunday, but the game was actually pretty decent, the Steelers tried to make history with a coming back from being down more then 10 points in the first half, but Big Benji couldn't take control.  Not so easy when they are as big as you Bun-ja-min. 

But despite all of that, there were 400 very pissed off fans who traveled hundreds of miles and, most likely, paid outrageously high prices for seats they thought were going to ACTUALLY exist.  Little to their knowledge, and what sounds like the NFL's knowledge, the seats were deemed unsafe and the 400 fans were left outside to watch the game on TV just like the rest of us, except, we didn't pay shit.  Along with those 400, 850 fans were moved from their temporary seats to other seats in the stadium.  You can read more here

I am sure what those fans were most pissed about was missing the half time show, or was it?  What did you think of the show?  Hit us up on Facebook with your thoughts on the show and be honest because I thought it was sub-par.  Better yet, send us a video response and if it's hilarious and clever we will put it on the site.

Look forward to hearing from you,


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