Monday, February 7, 2011

UFC 128: Simba v Mufasa

A picture does say a thousand words and fuck me, Rua looks down right scary.  Fresh off the heels of his biggest victory over Ryan 'Master' Bader Jon Jones was offered and accepted a title fight with Shogun Rua.  The fight is six weeks away and already the tension is palpable. 

I understand the Jones' hype train was standing room only before Saturday night, but after his destruction of Bader it's over capacity.  People need to slow the fuck down.  Jones' will be champ, just won't be next month.  Everyone seems to forget Shogun WAS Jones' five years ago, he was the young prodigy in Pride blasting motherfuckers (Lil' Nog, Overeem, Rampage...) then he fell from grace, managed to go lower and then pulled himself out of the shit to rise to the top again.

Don't sleep on Rua, his striking is unmatched in the LHW division.  Jones' toughest striking opponent so far...Brandon Vera.  I'm not saying Rua is going to kill Jones, I'm saying that it will be a battle.

Enter the Lion King.  Wonder what it'd be like if Mufasa and Simba went at it?  Tune in to UFC 128 and you'll find out.  The parallels are everywhere, from Greg Jackson being Rafiki to the wildebeest trampling of Mufasa to Shogun repeatedly blowing out his knees.  

However this fight ends up, there will still be a lion reigning atop the division and Elton John singing his praises somewhere.  

God Bless America!


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