Friday, February 11, 2011

People you should know: Ed Helms

Ed Helms got his start working as a news correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart in 2002.  Since then he's become better known for his role's of Andy Bernard aka 'The Nard Dog' on The Office and also  as Stu Price from The Hangover.  With a new movie coming out set in the great state of Iowa (Cedar Rapids)  and The Hangover 2 in post-production Helms' stock is looking to soar.

Here's the upcoming trailer for the movie Cedar Rapids or as I call it 'Seedy Rape-aids'.

I really hope they capture the smell of Quaker oats that permeates from every Seedy Rapeyians skin.  Except for Poul, he is the shining jewel of Seedy Rape-aids.  Don't let the pitching position fool you, the shin guards show he's all catcher.

Domo Arigato,


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