Thursday, February 24, 2011

People you should know: Dana White

Think of mixed martial arts and more specifically the UFC as a diamond in the rough.  With the rough being fucking douche bags in Affliction and Ed Hardy shirts creating stereotypes about the fans and sport in general.

Now strip away the stupid juiceheads, strip away the hyper testosterone, strip away the graphic tees of tigers fucking panthers on flaming skulls. Once we've cleaned all the shit off, we're left with an amazing sport and product in it's main stream infancy.  The man leading the mainstream charge is UFC president Dana White.

Here is a behind the scenes look at Dana's world leading up to UFC 127 Fitch vs Penn in Australia.  He has interactions with everyone from Brock Lesnar to Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.  Who by looking at his outfit is doing his best to come off as a flaming, hipster hair dresser.  The best part of the vlog comes at the end, when you see Dana's reaction to Anderson Silva KOing the fuck out of Vitor Belfort.

Later Boners,


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