Thursday, January 20, 2011

Finally a voice of reason coming from Teen Sheen

Jim Norton shared his thoughts with the NY Post today and shockingly it was about hookers.  Charlie Sheen and hookers to be precise.  When asked to comment on the whole Charlie Sheen snorting mounds of booger sugar and dropping 26k on three hookers for a weekend, Norton had this to offer:

"What a shock that a guy who makes $2 million a week behaves exactly like I would with $2 million a week. As far as I'm concerned, if you make $2 million a week and you don't have a hooker in your hotel room, you're creepy and I don't trust you. And I don't do drugs at all, so for me it would just be more prostitutes. That's how they would find me. I would be dead on the floor, flattened by a pile of prostitutes. I'd look like a cat in a hoarders' house." (source NY Post)                                                                                                  

I fucking love Jim Norton, he's gotten submitted by BJ Penn and as an affinity for tranny hookers.  Young fathers thinking of walking out on their kids should use Norton as a cautionary tale.  If you bail, the chances Jim Norton bangs your kid quadruple.  Son or daughter. I'm not making this up, it's science.  So if you don't want a pasty, white gnome taking your offspring to Poundtown then I recommend you stick around for a bit.

Now that I have the PSA out of the way, here is the video of Jim Norton getting submitted by BJ Penn and a pic of Sheen hooker-of-the-week Bree Olson.  It's really hard to find pics of this chick with clothes on, I mean I had to look through literally hundreds of graphic pics in order to find an appropriate one for this site.  That's how much I care about you the reader, I sift through naked pics of hot blondes.  It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.

Later Boners,


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