Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Brock Lesnar and JDS announced as coaches for TUF season 13!!

Wow, JDS vs this not an awesome match??? This was announced after:
- Cain starts surgery and is out of action
- Strikeforce announces their heavyweight Grand Prix
- Brock rumored to be quitting
- JDS publicizes frustration over title shot delay and asks for a interim match up

JDS is willing to risk his contendership to fight one more time while Cain heals up, and now he is granted Brock Lesnar for that match!

Not only that, but there will be a whole season of TUF to hype it up!

Apparently, they are coaching welterweights.  Kinda weird, but let's see.

Smart move by the UFC to answer back to Strikeforce's huge grand prix news, however this can go bad and Brock Lesnar loses fast and gets dominated again.  Hopefully his persona on TUF is badass or villainous enough so that ticket sales go through the roof for the fight, which is rumored to be UFC 131.  Ratings for this season should be at an all-time high since Brock is one of the most successful draws in MMA and hardcore fans will get to see two heavyweight top 5 fighters duke it out!

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