Saturday, January 8, 2011

Anderson Silva can be beaten (but that probably won't happen...)

Anderson Silva, one of the most gifted and badassed fighters to have ever lived is just a wrecking machine who gracefuly glides around the ring, and after he is finished dancing, his opponents are left battered on the floor covered in their own blood.  You're talking about one of the pound-for-pound greatest, if not THE greatest here who has been undefeated since his arrival in UFC, who just got beat up for 4.5 rounds by a guy who took steroids and STILL WON.


Does Anderson Silva even bleed? Please read that question over again and take a minute to think about it...Have you ever, EVER seen him bleed? Don't even try and photoshop some blood into his pictures, your computer will explode. Anderson Silva does not bleed.

In any fight, Anderson Silva is always the favorite pick when it comes to betting odds, and for good reason too. However, in his next upcoming fight, I have a feeling Anderson Silva can be beaten, however unlikely it will be.

1. Anderson Silva has lost BEFORE. 2 times, it was a clear defeat by submissions, 1 other time by DQ, and 1 by decision. I know these defeats came ages ago and Anderson Silva has become even more talented since then, but a loss is still a loss and in MMA, anything can happen on any given night, no matter how talented you are. (but this probably wont happen...since Anderson has great jiu-jitsu and nasty elbows from the bottom. He hasn't been submitted or even gotten close to being submitted in over 8 years. vitor Belfort himself has a black-belt in BJJ, but seeing him submit someone is just as rare as seeing the champ getting submitted.)

 2. Silva was dominated in his last fight. Aside from the facts that Chael was caught with much higher levels of testosterone in his system and that Anderson himself had a rib injury prior to the fight, UFC 117 showed us that the middleweight champ can still be hurt. And if Vitor lands one of his punches where Chael did, Anderson will be much more hurt than he's ever been. (but most likely not...Anderson Silva has never been finished through strikes with his fast head movement and lightning fast counter punching. Vitor's aggression can very well strip him of his own consciousness if he eats one of Anderson's pinpoint counter punches.)

 3. Vitor has shown us how strong he is and has gone on an absolute massacre in his last 5 fights, including a first round knockout of Matt Lindland where the poor guy was left on the floor convulsing and a first round knockout of Rich Franklin, where the former UFC middleweight champ was just outstruck and left smashed. Vitor handled Rich even faster than Anderson did, with less effort too. Anderson may just be facing someone who punches just as hard and just as fast as he does, if not harder and faster. (unlikely though...Anderson will be much more cautious after his beating from Chael Sonnen, and I am very sure he will be just as elusive as he has always been to pull the counters to put Vitor to sleep).

 4. Vitor has actually trained with Anderson! People are forgetting that Vitor was training with Black House back in 2006 with guys like Nogueira, Machida, and Silva himself.  Vitor may just have a bit more insight into Anderson Silva's game than most of Silva's opponent in the past.  It may have been 2006, but that's still better than not knowing anything other than youtube clips of Silva's dominance.

Now I know everyone believes Silva will win, and I am not saying he won't, because he probably will.  What I am saying is that Vitor stands much more of a chance than the other opponents did, and if he catches Silva he just might be the next champion. Vitor knocks guys out and has almost a 70% knockout rate. Anderson cannot play the cocky bastard he always does if he wants to win because Vitor is not someone you can just fool around with during a 5-round war.

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