Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eargasm of the Month??? - Kanye West - Runaway (Full-length film)

Say what you will about Kanye West: egomaniac, fish sticks, pompous...  just make sure to add genius to the list.

This is Kanye's 34 min film centering around ballerinas and him boning a phoenix.  Seriously, Kanye fucks a bird woman.  The film has many of the qualities it's director possesses; it's ambitious, grandiose, breath-taking, over the top, completely original.  'Runaway' shoots for the stars, but ultimately lands on the moon. The best part of the film has nothing to do with the footage, it's the fact West went way out of his comfort zone to make an art house flick and that's what I admire about Kanye the most.  He isn't afraid to attempt the seemingly impossible.  Name another rapper who would make a thirty minute piece bringing his incredible album to life?  So, derail your Kanye hate train and sit back and enjoy this ambitious visual almost masterpiece.  The highlight comes at the 13:40 mark, if you can only watch a part of this do yourself a favor and watch from there.

Later Boners,


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