Tuesday, January 11, 2011

dos Santos ready to fight again for interim; Carwin returns to action soon

Our UFC no.1 heavyweight contender has recently stated that he would like to fight for the interim belt while Cain is out of action for 6-8 months. 

To me this makes sense given that JDS does not want to be inactive when the biggest fight of his life is his next one, he wont be getting paid without fighting for 6-8 months, and the man must be going CRAZY when he was told that Cain was injured, especially after seeing Cain dismantle Brock fast and unscathed and being told he was next in line and probably thinking to himself that he could more than handle Cain.  If I were JDS, the best striker in the heavyweight division, and I were told that I was to fight Cain in the next few UFC events and then suddenly told "NOPE, sorry, Cain's actually not fine.  He's hurt.  He needs surgery.  And he'll be out for a looong time.  Sorry," I'd be pretty pissed too.

But herein lies the problem: It's great for fans to see him maul another heavyweight fighter on the UFC's roster and all, but I don't see anyone standing a chance with JDS, other than the heavyweight champion himself of course.  So as a warm-up to his eventful fight with Cain (which might even take place in Brazil for the UFC's first return to the country), maybe JDS can take on Shane Carwin, the winner of CroCop/Schaub or the winner of Big Country/Frank Mir.  This can be problematic though, seeing as how Shane Carwin is coming off an epic loss to Brock Lesnar, and if either CroCop or Big Country win their fights, they both would be coming in with already with a loss ironically from JDS.

Who else could JDS fight that he hasn't already destroyed? What should the UFC do with JDS' interim proposal?

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