Friday, June 3, 2011

Memories are good, but good memories are great!

My how time flies when you're having fun? No other time that I can recall have those words ever been more prophetic than a week ago. It was at that time that I was in Las Vegas for the sole purpose of hanging with the Junkie Nation (pictured at left) to celebrate the 1000th show of MMA Junkie Radio.

If for some reason you are unaware as to what and who MMA Junkie Radio is and more importantly, what and who Junkie Nation is, let me explain? MMA Junkie Radio or Junkie Radio is the number one internet radio show covering the sport of mixed martial arts. Junkie Nation are the hosts and crew of that show along with their legion of loyal listeners, of which I am one; and as you can see, only one of many. However, this is more than just a show and its listeners, this is a family.

Four years ago, Gorgeous George, Goze and Jenny from the Block, took their passion as MMA fans one step beyond and started a radio show covering this sport we all love. They did it to fill a void that was left when the late great Ryan Bennett, host of Soundoff Radio, was tragically killed in an auto accident. Little did they know that what they started on a whim, would soon become their livelihood and for us an integral part of our lives. Since that time, these three, along with John Morgan, reporter extraordinaire, have become not only our daily MMA fix, but our good and close friends.

Thus, the reason that last weekend we converged on Sin City to celebrate with our brothers and sister. BTW, for me, I don't use that term lightly, but rather as a term of endearment because GG, Goze and Jenny have come to mean that much to me in the last couple of years as personally their friendship has become something very special. Obviously, I'm not the only one that feels that way as the above photo just captures a portion of the people in attendance, which made the weekend that much more memorable.

The people I met last week and in the last couple of years, from all over the world, are not only genuinely good people, but have become personal friends. Last week, we got together to rejoice in laughter and happiness and engage in the following activities. We bowled at The Red Rock Casino, fired weapons; yes we shot guns at the famous Gun Store and played basketball on the campus of UNLV. On top of that we enjoyed MMA fights and action together both Friday and Saturday nights at Tuff 'n' Uff and from the UFC.

In between all this fun and activity, we ate and drank too; you name it and we, as a whole of different parts, claimed it. From the simple dollar menu of Mickey D's to the Brazilian Barbecue of Texas de Brazil we ate to our hearts content. As for engaging in spirits, let's just say 'Slick Rick da Fish' wasn't the only one partaking in that venture. Finally, this special weekend was capped off by a private party at the 'Eye Candy' lounge in Mandalay Bay. The only possible drawback to this was the reality that the party meant this dream weekend was coming to an end.

I could go on and on about how fantastic my weekend in Vegas was, but I won't because it would take too much time. I can point out individuals and their moments that made me smile and laugh throughout, but I won't because there were too many to name them all. I will just say that there are moments in ones life that are so special, a person carries it with them for as long as they live. Those are memories and "memories are good, but good memories are great." This was a good memory.

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