Monday, June 27, 2011

Been a while!! UFC 131, Live on Versus, and the Strikeforce GP

Man it's been so long.  SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED!

UFC 131 was pretty sweet, check out Shane Carwin's face;  he looked like he walked out of a fuckin horror movie:

LIVE ON VERSUS 4 was one sick card, I'd say better than UFC 131 and definitely UFC 130, and it was FREE!

Check out this sick ass kimura/triangle from J-Lau:

Joe Lauzon comes to finish fights.  Now while he doesn't do so well against the upper tiers, he absolutely just dominates less opponents in such a gruesome fashion that it's hard not to be fan.  Just look at that nasty triangle kimura!

Hmmm, what else happened in the world of MMA....oh yeah, NOT strikeforce, that's what not's happening! That was one terrible card, and I even thought it had the chance to become one of the greatest.  Hell, I believe we all did, and if it weren't for Josh Barnett (the guy who ironically we all thought would RUIN things again), that entire Strikeforce GP would have sucked bad....Overeem, you really disappointed me....

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