Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Daily Wrap from the Throne - 6/14/11

Daily Wrap from the Throne – 6/14/11
by King JB
Josh Barnett and his License
I am extremely glad to know this was taken care of as I have always been a HUGE Josh Barnett fan. A lot of fans bash Barnett and there is no reason to. It has been official that he has been given a license to fight in America on 6/18/11 against Brett Rogers. Brett Rogers is in a hell of a lot of trouble in my book. I think Josh has the power to strike with Brett, but he will refuse to. His submission game is TOO SOLID for Brett Rogers in my opinion. If Overeem does NOT win this tournament, then I am 100% sure that the winner will be Josh Barnett. Truthfully, I think he WILL fight Overeem in the finals and that could be one of the greatest heavyweight fight of all time.
Josh Barnett on the Underground
Recently Josh Barnett had to bash one of these “Tommy Tough Typer” fans on the Underground forums. They were speaking of his past relationships and saying that he thinks he is black. I personally found this hilarious due to the ignorance. Josh Barnett is a man that for some reason is hated at the moment, but people sometimes take it too far. He called the fan a “basement dwelling loser.” I have to agree with Barnett here as I have noticed that quite a few fans are them guys living in their parents basement talking shit on the internet. Jesus, I would love to smack the shit out of a lot of these little fuckers.
Marquardt's Proclamation
Nate Marquardt said today that if he beats Rick Story, he feels that he is at the top of the division. He is 0-0 in the Welterweight division, so my first question has to be....What the fuck is Nate smoking in 2011? Its gotta be even more than weed for something like this. The truth is that he should be no where CLOSE to even being considered for a title shot at 170. He needs a few fights in my opinion. When I say a few, I mean atleast three of them. As many of you already know, I already feel this way about Kenny Florian in the featherweight division. What the fuck are with these losers in their own weight classes dropping down to another weight and automatically thinking they are at the top of that division? So let me guess, Nate feels that he should get a shot at George St. Pierre now, huh? He's gotta be out of his fucking mind.
Ashton Kutscher a black belt?
I would still kick his ass regardless, but I was very surprised to see this article out there. After reading, I found out that he borrowed the belt in the picture. This made me immediately think that this website that ran this story has to be fucking bored as hell. What the fuck is wrong with the Underground for even running that picture as a story? Ok, big fuckin deal, he took a picture with a black belt on. Is that MMA news? FUCK NO! I don't know what the fuck their problem is! I can't stand shit like this to be honest. Nothing is worse than clicking on a link that really is no story at all. What kind of journalism is that? The Underground needs to quit that shit because they do it all the time. They are starting to be as bad as their forums.

Thank you all,
MMA Kingdom (www.facebook.com/mmakingdom)
MMA Affiliates (www.blogtalkradio.com/mmaaffiliates)

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