Saturday, June 25, 2011

Behind Closed Doors - The Dibiase Messages Pt. 1 (6/25)

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 12:13am
I have never heard of a grown man on another man's dick as much as you are pathetic homie...real shit...

Whats funny is your weak ass cant fight...all you do is sit on the net and talk shit because you know no one can get to ya bitch ass...

Get off my dick homie...your embarassing yourself. SERIOUSLY.

You think this is a real beef?

No one even cares about what you gotta say homeboy...No one cares about this so-called Dibiase vs. King JB beef that your trying to create....

GET OFF MY DICK...your lame as

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 12:56am Report
Collins Kingdom is embarassing lol i find you hilarious

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 12:44pm Report
haha glad to see you shut down that channel...putting your fam out there like that ain't right bro...haha quit claiming to be a "man" you leech of your your fat busted ugly wife(might be a dude) and collect social security while taking meds all day cause your clearly a retard who can't fit into regular society...quit blogging and take care of your "five" kids ya dirtbag BAH

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 4:36pm
get off my dick bro...seriously....

I got more money and just about anything else than you WILL EVER HAVE....get off my dick...


Trust me talking about my family is gonna get you can bet on that...

You know that in person you will run...thats why you do all this INTERNET talking...

Why you so interested in KING JB??? lol...


Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 4:42pm Report
HAHAHA don't act like your more people paying attention to the Kingdon then Topics, you don't got shit...I live in a richer city,got a better looking bitch,got a better job then you(you don't have one) and def make more loot then you so think what ya want ya delusional fuckhead haha you think i need to make fun of you to gain fans or attention i'm just doing for me and Dukes' entertainment cause your a goofball who has been running his mouth...MMA TOPICS almost 3,000 FANS. YOU got nothing bro except a few nuthuggers haha call me a groupie all ya want ima still bash ya faggot ass when ever i feel REAL TALK MMA Methlab

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 4:44pm
fuck that talking then....thats all you do...

Trust me, your money will NEVER be where mine live at home homie...


Quit talkin shit and lets make this physical homie...Ill put $10,000 on the line right now....

ONE ON ONE....$10,000 on the line...You need me to count it out on a video???

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 4:57pm Report
Yea count out your monopoly money haha....all you do is talk you lame bitch, live at home? thats the same line you used on BSL think of some new shit, how would you know where i be living retard? haha i prolly could fuck up your out of shape ass and Dukes would just DESTROY you straight up haha you have been mentioning me and biting off me the past month and iv'e stayed quiet, get ya night school journalism classes outta here haha Ima FAN your a PHONY

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 6:30pm Report
my "put you on blast" vid will be up soon just so people will know the whole truth about the situatuation and everyone will see ya for the imitator you are

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 6:38pm
imitator? Who do I imitate? lol

Your so on my dick.

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 6:42pm Report
MMA Kingdom question of the day? haha plus you start smoking on cam after i blow smoke lol trust me ya loser i don't chase you around people let me know how much of a goof you are and tell me this shit ....yea "so on your dick" great insult haha you're a fake thug with a ugly ass wife and you clearly leech off the government ha suckadick fatboy and keep biting my style it hilarious and London is a insult to radio

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 6:44pm
your style? Give me a break...

All you do is talk shit on facebook bro...your a weak dude in reality that would never fight me...your a pussy...

You do know that Ive never watched ur videos or listen to your radio or go to your website right?

I have no clue why you follow me so much...Its actually pathetic.

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 6:46pm
Who leeches off the government?? lol...BTW: Do you think that calling my wife ugly bothers me homie?

Im not a kid homeboy...REMEMBER that. My wife has nothing to do with this and it shows how truly pathetic you are for mentioning her...

So what if you think she is ugly??? Who gives a fuck???

Even if you think you have a better looking wife than mine, what does it matter???? You still are weak and cant fight and have no money...


Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:11pm Report
I can fight prolly better then you haha you claim to be a fighter but you have no fights under ya belt hoemboy so shut the fuck up and just sit on your couch while ya man takes care of ya you lazy eyed goofball...stick to pro wrestling cause you're a embarrassment to MMA...I get money and pussy so quit bringing that up you just sound stupid

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:12pm
i sound stupid?? Your the one that is on my how do I sound stupid? I have never seen a man so interested in KING JB before...Your a child...period...

You can fight? Come show me...please...$10,000 is what I put on the line...period.

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:16pm Report
Haha who refers to themselves in the third person? you're a geek and i hear your a snitch who got chased outta cali...yea i'm on your dick cause i'm insulting you for my entertainment?, good logic're white with money power respect tatted on your chest nuff said BAH

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:18pm
whats wrong with money power and respect dummy? lol....You didnt hear i was a snitch or got chased outta cali....all you do is MAKE UP dont even know anyone that KNOWS

Your the fakest dude I know...

I got $10,000 on ya fake ass....LETS SEE WHATS CRACKIN!

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:19pm Report
You're FAKE and a PHONY i'll whoop ya fatass and take ya loot

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:21pm
put ya money where ya mouf is...lets do it bruh.

You wanna talk about me all the god damn time, lets make this happen so this shit can be over...

Your wasting my time...

You insult people because your a CHILD...your not a man, nor will you EVER be one.

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:24pm Report
haha ima keep bashing you

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:25pm
u never bashed dont make any sense...your bashing does you no doesnt hurt me nor even piss me off...

Your a lame....

Thats why you wont accept the fight.

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:25pm King JB responds to his GROUPIE...STALKER...Dibiase
Get off my d**k homie and go find you some ass dude...I got $10,000 on the line to say you cant fight.


Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:26pm Report
thats why you just talked about me for 11 min haha

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:26pm
yea, are you proud of it? Does that make you happy?

Like I said, Im not mad...its funny to me....

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:27pm Report
i got more twitter followers,more FB fans,more youtube subscibers more everything so quit acting like your bigger then me when it comes to this MMA you said i been doing it for over a year and you're just a rookie, know your role and stay in your place

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:28pm Report
If cutting yourself,fucking a dude(ya wife) and losing ya kids is funny to you ,you need help bro

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:29pm
im in my place...your the one following me bruh...not vice versa...

YOUR SUPPOSED TO HAVE MORE THAN ME...youve been doing this longer...

But the LONGER you show that your on my dick, the more people will see who you are....str8 bitch.

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:29pm
losing my kids? Who lost my kids?

Why do you wanna talk about my wife so much? You know how much of a child that makes you sound?

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:31pm Report
Don't compare yaself to BSL hah beefing with you brings me ain't got no money lol you don't even got a cell phone ya joke

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:31pm
i do got a cell phone and i do got money...

Your an idiot...

Just because my cell was broke during a week of my life means nothing...

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:33pm
and your right...beefing with me DOES BRING YOU NOTHING...

so why you do it is a mystery to everyone...

Like Alonzo said...your the jealous doubt about it.

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:33pm Report
haha kid you don't have a cell or a decent cable provider lol your a broke joke quit fronting i ain't rich but i ain't as hurting as you

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:35pm
decent cable provider?? Are you kidding me??? I dont have a cell??? What the fuck are your talking about???

Like i said, quit talking and put up ya $10,000 and lets see what you got...

I WILL PUT MY $10,000 on my next video....

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:35pm Report
lol Alonzo is a bitch i could careless about his gay ass

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:35pm
yea right...

everyone feels the same about you....

your a groupie bruh

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:35pm Report
kid you were streaming bellator you don't even got mtv2 beat it son

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:36pm Report
i been doing this shit way longer then you and will continue too but making fun of you is my new hobby

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:37pm
i dont have MTV 2? I dont listen to rock and roll bruh...what the fuck does that matter? I have a satellite dish you fuckin idiot...

Why do you think you know so much about my personal life???

Why do you WANNA know so much about my personal life??? lol

Your my biggest fan...

Awww...thanks fan...

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:38pm
who cares whos been doing it longer???

Im not competing with you...

Your a fucking child.....a loser....

Your not making fun of funny that you actually think you are...

You repeat yourself over and over again...

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:38pm Report
no problem i'll laugh at you and your family anytime bro i enjoy the vids

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:39pm
its fine with me...

laugh all you cant who cares.

Your an internet troll...thats it.

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:41pm Report
lol i can fight but i don't claim to be a fighter like you when you have 0 fights under ya belt amy or pro lol just cause you been in street fights means nothing lol i'm from Boston i obviously been in street fights before bro beleive what ya want ya tool

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:42pm
i dont...period...

Like I said...put ur money where ya mouth is...

Your an MMA fan...a little kid....a child...

Im gonna make sure you get the spanking u deserve


Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 7:44pm Report
i am a MMA FAN and you're not! period. plus your a compulsive liar one minute you say you got into mma four years ago then you say you have been watching since 93 and i'd bet my life you have never trained a day in ya life hahaha

Mma Kingdom June 25 at 7:47pm

Im not a fan??

Dude, do you even think before you speak...

When did I lie about anything?

I am still laughing at the fact that you have went on this mission with me just because i didnt wanna help you with Topics anymore...

Your immature as fuck.

Teddy DiBiase June 25 at 8:10pm Report
No you claimed to fire me and took all the credit for MMA Affiliates so you're a liar and a loser

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