Saturday, April 30, 2011

Georges ST. Pierre

Georges ST. Pierre: At UFC 129: St. Pierre Against. Shields the 2nd around of Georges St. Pierre against Jake Shields was as slow as the 1st but still dominant for the superstar. Shields attempted 2 takedowns, but could get nothing. GSP looked to be hunting for the overhand correct that's been short just some of the times. ROUND three - Shields coming out more aggressive but still hitting nothing but air GSP acting an superior job of dodging anything Shields throws, but has yet to turn his offense into high. A shield gets nailed with a punch and shoots. It is immediately stuffed by GSP. Shields' striking is whiffing badly. And over again the overhand right for St. Pierre misses. Shields shoot over again with not set up from strikes and St. Pierre just moves out of the way. GSP comes back to the overhand right and cannot hit anything important. Right-handed and caught kick for St. Pierre works. Huge bring down off of a caught kick for GSP. At UFC 129: St. Pierre against Georges ST. Pierre

UFC 129: Hype as a whole becomes reality

Toronto, Canada was the location of the largest crowd in UFC history, 55,000+, and they were not disappointed as one of the greatest cards ever assembled on paper delivered in person. All the way from the first fight on the prelims to the main event of the evening, this card lived up to the hype that was expected. Canadian fighters, born or based, won six of ten fights on the card, including, most importantly, Georges St. Pierre's defense of his welterweight (170 lbs.) title.

St. Pierre (22-2, 8 KO's 5 subs), in typical GSP fashion, went the distance and won a unanimous decision over Jake Shields (26-5-1, 3 KO's 10 subs), but may have garnered more criticism in the process. Constantly berated for not being a finisher, although I call it fighting smart, St. Pierre didn't do anything to disprove those claims. GSP looked crisp early with his striking, but became more reserved as the fight progressed after his left eye began to bother him in the third round. After the fight he said, "I can't see out of my left eye; all I see is a blur."

Meanwhile, Shields, whose only real chance was to take GSP to the ground, made no attempts to do such other than catching his left leg a few times when St. Pierre threw round kicks. Surprisingly, Shields did bust up St. Pierre's face a bit, but GSP was never in trouble throughout the fight. It looked as though Shields was content just to be fighting for the championship, instead of winning it. It was Shields first loss in seven years, while it was St. Pierre's ninth win in a row in the last four years.

In the co-main event of the evening, the featherweight (145 lbs.) championship, champion Jose Aldo (19-1, 12 KO's 2 subs) won a unanimous decision, but got all he could he handle from challenger Mark Hominick (20-9, 8 KO's, 8 subs). While Aldo won the first four rounds pretty clearly, he was exposed somewhat by Hominick's boxing; especially getting caught regularly with straight left jabs. I don't want to say ring rust was a factor, but it was obvious Aldo was exhausted by the end as in the last round Hominick took him down with four minutes left and pretty much beat on him.

I guess no one will ever joke again that The Karate Kid's Crane technique doesn't work; just ask former five-time UFC champion Randy Couture (19-11, 7 KO's 4 subs). Couture, the 47 year old marvel of MMA and freak of nature got KO'ed by said Crane technique as former light-heavyweight (205 lbs.) champion Lyoto Machida (17-2, 6 KO's 2 subs) caught him with a perfect jump front kick to the chin in the second round. Machida ends a two-fight skid while Couture officially announced "this was it," when asked if he was finally retiring by Joe Rogan. Thanks for the memories Randy; you are truly a living legend.

In the first fight of the pay-per-view, former WEC lightweight (155 lbs.) champion Ben Henderson (13-2, 2 KO's, 8 subs) went into Toronto and won a unanimous decision over hometown boy Mark Bocek (9-4, 1 KO, 7 subs). Displaying a perfect all-around game of punches, kicks and knees along with an excellent ground game, Henderson nullified any attempts Bocek had in his great submission game. Henderson at only 27 years old looks to be a factor in the lightweight division.

Finally, for those that didn't catch the prelims that were shown on Facebook, you missed some exciting action. Four of the five fights all finished within the first and second round via two knockouts and two submissions. These were highlighted by a sweet spinning back fist KO from Canadian John Makdessi over Kyle Watson; also, fellow Canadian Jason McDonald's beautiful first round triangle choke submission on Ryan Jensen.

Ciri-ciri orang yang mudah dicuci Otak

Tidak semua orang bisa dengan mudah dicuci otak (brainwashing). Namun beberapa orang tertentu justru sangat mudah terpengaruh atau dicuci otak. Siapa saja tipikal orang yang mudah dicuci otak?
Beberapa faktor psikis dapat membuat orang mudah terpengaruh dengan proses cuci otak:
1. Faktor psikis yang labil
Misalnya memiliki rasa negatif, bingung atau ragu dengan identitas dirinya sendiri.
2. Psikologis yang sombong
Tidak hanya orang yang psikisnya labil yang mudah dicuci otak, orang yang percaya dirinya berlebihan alias kesombongan psikologis juga bisa dengan mudah dipengaruhi.
Misalnya orang-orang yang egois dan bangga bahwa apapun yang ia percaya secara otomatis adalah benar, namun tidak didukung dengan pengetahuan yang luas dan mendasar.
3. Orang yang mengalami tekanan fisik dan mental
Hal ini karena kondisi tersebut membuat orang menjadi kelelahan, tidak berdaya, hingga akhirnya mengurangi kemampuan berpikir dan menolak pengaruh baru yang diberikan.
Kenapa orang dengan tipikal tersebut gampang dicuci otak?
Karena dalam cuci otak ada tiga prinsip dasar yang bisa mengenai orang-orang seperti contoh di atas.
Prinsip dasar ketika melakukan cuci otak adalah:
Pendekatan fisik dan emosional untuk mengurangi kemampuan berpikir dan menolak.
Godaan halus
Penghargaan kecil.
Dalam ilmu psikologi, studi tentang cuci otak sering disebut dengan reformasi pikiran (thought reform) yang masuk dalam lingkup pengaruh sosial. Teknik cuci otak ini nantinya bisa mengubah sikap, kepercayaan dan perilaku orang.
Cuci otak merupakan bentuk parah dari pengaruh sosial yang menggabungkan semua pendekatan untuk menyebabkan perubahan dalam cara berpikir seseorang tanpa persetujuan orang tersebut dan sering bertentangan dengan kehendaknya, seperti dilansir DiscoveryHealth.
Karena cuci otak adalah bentuk pengaruh invasif, teknik ini memerlukan isolasi lengkap dan ketergantungan subjek, itulah sebabnya kegiatan cuci otak kebanyakan terjadi pada kamp penjara atau tempat dengan pengawasan penuh.
Si agen pencuci otak (brainwasher) harus memiliki kontrol penuh atas target (brainwashee), sehingga menyebabkan pola tidur, pola makan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar manusia lainnya tergantung pada kehendak agen.
Dalam proses cuci otak, agen secara sistematis memecah identitas target ke titik yang tidak bekerja lagi. Agen kemudian menggantikannya dengan satu set perilaku, sikap dan keyakinan yang bekerja di lingkungan target saat ini. Itulah yang membuat kebanyakan target bisa melupakan kepercayaan dan keyakinan yang dilakukannya sebelum proses cuci otak.
Beberapa definisi cuci otak memerlukan adanya ancaman bahaya fisik, definisi lain bergantung pada paksaan non-fisik dan kontrol sebagai sarana efektif untuk menegaskan doktrin atau pengaruh.
Terlepas dari definisi yang digunakan, banyak ahli percaya bahwa efek dari proses yang paling sering terjadi dari cuci otak adalah efek jangka pendek, artinya identitas lama korban pada kenyataannya tidak diberantas tetapi hanya disembunyikan. Jika ‘identitas baru’ dihentikan maka keyakinan awalnya akan mulai kembali normal.

Friday, April 29, 2011

'Two and a Half Men' pode concluir temporada sem Charlie Sheen

'Hollywood Reporter' disse que os atores Woody Harrelson, Jeremy Piven e Bob Saget são algumas opções para concluir a oitava temporada.

Chuck Lorre (Diretor) e Charlie Sheen
É galera, parece que a notícia para os fãs da série e do Charlie não sou muito boas, segundo o TMZ a oitava temporada realmente será a última, e a chance do Charlie voltar nula.

Que para mim é um desperdício de talento e lucro, terminar um seriado tão bom quanto Two and a Half men é de se lamentar, e pior ainda terminar sem o Charlie.

Segundo Chuck está trabalhando para reformular o seriado, que parece que será focado em Jon Cryer, o Alan, e segundo o site 'Hollywood Reporter' os atores Woody Harrelson, Jeremy Piven e Bob Saget são opções para substituir o Charlie no seriado, mas nada ainda confirmado.

Na minha opinião e acho que para todos os fãs do seriado, acho que ficará totalmente estranho sem o Charlie, ele é a alma do seriado, as últimas temporadas certamente não renderam tanto de lucro quanto de audiência.

Cewek yang satu ini Bikin Pusing

Kegiatan Peringatan Hardiknas dan Seleksi O2SN Tingkat Kecamatan Singkep Barat Tahun 2011

Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas) Tahun 2011, M. Zamruddin selaku Kepala UPTD Disdikpora Kecamatan Singkep Barat, membentuk Panitia Pelaksana Kegiatan Peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional Kecamatan Singkep Barat Tahun 2011 yang terdiri dari Kepala Sekolah dan guru-guru yang bertugas di Singkep Barat. Adapun kegiatan peringatan Hardiknas 2011 Kecamatan Singkep Barat ini sejalan dengan penyeleksiaan peserta Olimpiade Olahraga Siswa Nasional (O2SN) Tingkat Kecamatan Singkep Barat Tahun 2011.

Peserta O2SN ini akan diseleksi, bagi peserta yang berprestasi selanjutnya akan dikirim untuk mengikuti seleksi O2SN pada Tingkat Kabupaten Lingga. Rabu 27-04-2011 kemarin kegiatan Peringatan Hardiknas dan Seleksi O2SN Tingkat Kecamatan Singkep Barat Tahun 2011 resmi dibuka oleh Camat Singkep Barat yang diwakili oleh Sekcam Kecamatan Singkep Barat. Kegiatan ini diperkirakan berlangsung dari tanggal 27 April s.d 01 Mei 2011, dan pada tanggal 02 Mei akan dilaksanakan Upacara Bendera Peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2011.

Parody X Movie

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A incrível nova tecnologia 3D da LG

.Mais brilho na imagem e óculos mais confortáveis são algumas das vantagens da novidade coreana.

A TV 3D por aqui ainda é muito cara e poucas emissoras oferecem a tecnologia 3D em seus canais, e o preço das TVs 3D é muito alto ainda no Brasil.

Mas a LG veio com uma tecnologia bastante interessante, que se chama FPR, que basicamente resolve todos os problemas atuais de uma TV 3D.

Além de ter uma imagem melhor e óculos confortáveis e que não precisa ser carregado, um fator que achei bastante interessante é que depois de melhorar, o preço também irá diminuir.

No lugar do vidro que é atualmente utilizado nos modelos conhecidos, que são caros e pesados, a empresa aplicou um filme plástico, o que certamente irá resultar no menor preço do produtor quando vier ao mercado.

Outro fator importante, os modelos conhecidos hoje em 3D, não se pode assistir imagens 3D enquanto se estiver deitado, com a tecnologia FPR poderá assistir 3D normalmente deitado, de ponta cabeça ou rodopiando rsrs

Um dos fatores que sempre reclamam são dos óculos pesados, feios e desconfortáveis, os novos modelos eu achei bem estilosos, além de serem leves e não precisar ficar perdendo o tempo de ficar carregando-os.

Tanto que outras empresas estão apostando alto nesta tecnologia, pois o futuro de imagens será o 3D, e o quão mais prático e mais barato melhor, e não ficar só praticamente nos cinemas, mas nos lares de muita gente com o conforto e com a melhor imagem.

30 ABG cantik di China

30. Zhang Ming

29. Zhang ZiXuan

28. Zhang Fan

27. Zhao LiYin

26. Zhang ZiLin - miss world 2007

25. Zhang Li

24. Zhang JiaYi

23. Yuan Quan

22. Yang SanSan

21. Yang Mi 

20. Wonder Liu

19. Wang XiWei 

18. Tang Yan

17. Sherry Yang

16. Rao MingLi

15. Qin Lan

14. Peng XinYi

13. Paili Zhati 

12. Niu MengMeng

11. Mo WanDan 

10. Liu Yun

9. Liao JianLin

8. Li Qian

7. Kan Le

6. He ZuoYan

5. Dong WenSi

4. Deng JiaJia

3. Coco Gu

2. Cao XiWen

1. Jolly An