Friday, April 8, 2011

Nick Diaz has Smoked Him Self Stupid...Seriously.

Nick Diaz Has Smoked Himself Stupid...Seriously

Let me start off by saying that I have always been a Nick Diaz fan both inside and outside of the cage for a very long time. However, his latest interview with Ariel Helwani showed how ignorant this man truly is and I now think that he has smoked too much god damn weed in his life. I am not against smoking weed at all, trust me, but did you hear this dude speak? Nate Diaz talks like a retard, but now I can honestly say that Nick Diaz is the most idiotic sounding of the two. I don't even know if its just weed that he smokes anymore because he was so jumpy looking in this interview, he looked like someone that just got two $10 bumps for real. Now, I am gonna analyze what Mr. Diaz said in this interview.

First off, let me say this now that he sounds SCARED of Paul Daley. With that being said, we are going to move on into the actual interview...

First off, Diaz says that Strikeforce fights him entirely too much. Are you kidding me? Do you realize that this will be Diaz's SIXTH fight EVER in Strikeforce over a period of three years? That's an average of TWO fights per year. Two fights per year isn't shit and everyone that watches MMA knows this already. If he doesn't wanna be a fighter, then why does he? Would he rather fight one fight per year?

Next off, he says that he isn't afraid to fight...Well, there was a huge money fight with Mayhem Miller that he turned down. He says that he didn't wanna move up to middleweight, but yet, he has done it several times before in his career. He talks about being underpaid, but what he doesn't realize is that people get paid what they are worth. He compares MMA to boxing, but he just needs to accept that the sport doesn't get that kind of money to its fighters yet. He would rather fight average challengers such as Cyborg than fight Mayhem Miller. In my opinion, that is why no one wants to pay him. Did he ever think that if he would FOLLOW the rules and become a company man, he would get the company money. GSP gets big money because he knows HOW to play the game. Sometimes in business, you just HAVE to kiss ass. Its the way life works. Nick Diaz has lost to fighters such as Parisyan, Riggs, Sherk, and Sanchez, whom have all been in the middle of the pack. He has to beat people to seriously make money. Did he ever think that maybe he is OVERPAID?

He says that Ariel Helwani starts fights? Aint that their god damn fight? How the hell does Ariel Helwani start fights when he interviews people that are already gonna fight? As a MMA writer myself, I know that reporters and writers just wanna help get attention and hype along with information for the fights. These god damn fighters need to thank people like Ariel Helwani because the man along with many others are the people getting the stories out there that is increasing the interest in the sport. Does Nick Diaz wanna make more money or not? If he does, then he needs to realize that promo work for the sport is what will get the REAL MONEY rolling in.

Typically, people that say they AREN'T afraid to fight REALLY ARE afraid to fight. He completely backed off of his challenge to Vargas in boxing, which was something else that was hilarious. He says that he doesn't need money and he has plenty of it, but yet still complains about his pay? Does anyone even know what this idiot is saying or is he just high as fuck? I typically do NOT talk bad about someone's personality, but I am so sick of everyone talking trash about Daley and Bisping, but yet let this guy talk like an idiot EVERYTIME he speaks but yet still cheer him on. I love watching Diaz fight, but he just is an idiot in interviews.

He sounded like he was mad at Helwani for telling Daley what he told Helwani to begin with. He said that he doesn't feel like talking shit about Daley, but then goes on to say that he hopes he doesn't get hit with a “cheap shot”. He also talked so highly about Pride like he was actually a Pride fighter. He only fought in Pride ONE GOD DAMN TIME and that fight was a no-contest against Gomi. He said that MMA in America is all about the wrestlers. Didn't he ever consider just learning some takedown defense so the wrestlers do NOT have the advantage? Besides, how many fights has Diaz won with his pitter patter jabs scoring points? He says that he didn't know the rules were like this when he turned 18 and got in the sport. Does he realize that he isn't 18 years old anymore and he has a shit load of fights now under his belt? He wants to play stupid with his own profession?

Also, he was quoted as saying that the Strikeforce title doesn't mean shit anymore and that Paul Daley can have it. If I was Scott Coker, I would fire him IMMEDIATELY after he loses on Saturday Night. You CANNOT disrespect the company you work for like that. Diaz TRULY DOESNT WANNA PLAY THE GAME. He made himself look like a complete idiot. He is a great fighter, but as a human being, he is just too immature and too high for his own good.

In closing, no wonder Dana White said that Nick Diaz does NOT wanna play the game. The truth is that this is painfully obvious. He doesn't wanna do interviews. He doesn't wanna fight. He thinks he is a conspiracy victim done wrong. My opinion of Nick Diaz has changed dramatically. I just feel like a sucker for liking him for so long. I hope Paul Daley knocks his face off. Then he can go back to medicating himself. He speaks like a fucking first grader.

I know all the Diaz followers are gonna try to bash me for this article, but keep two things in mind...#1, I am a NICK DIAZ FAN and was hurt to see how stupid he sounded tonight. #2, you cannot tell me one thing that I said in this article that ISNT TRUE. REAL TALK.

UPDATE: After the Strikeforce Event w/ Paul Daley, Diaz looked and sounded even more high...


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