Saturday, April 16, 2011

The GREAT Fights that we have now/We are Winning....PART 1/2.

The Great Fights that we have now...

Ok, right now it is currently April 16th, 2011 and we have some pretty good fights coming up over the next few months and I wanted to go over a few of them with you...

First off, I am gonna start with George St. Pierre stepping into the cage to defend his UFC Welterweight Champion against a man that has not lost a fight since December of 2004. Over that time, Mr. Jake Shields has defeated Yushin Okami, Carlos Condit, Mike Pyle, Nick Thompson, Paul Daley, Robbie Lawler, Jason Miller, Dan Henderson, and Martin Kampmann. This is a winning streak of 15 fights. George St. Pierre of course has dominated the Welterweight division in the UFC and won 8 fights in a row himself as he has ran through Josh Koscheck twice, Matt Hughes, Matt Serra, Jon Fitch, BJ Penn, Dan Hardy, and Thiago Alves. Both fighters are just unstoppable right now and Im excited for this fight.

I think both fighters have an issue with finishing fighters at this current time. Unfortunately for Shields, if this fight goes to decision, I think George will take it due to his wrestling ability. I think St. Pierre will be on top for most of this fight and Jake's only real chance is to tap him out from the bottom, which is definitely possible. Don't get me wrong, even though both fighters like to see the judges, St. Pierre has still finished the likes of BJ Penn, Matt Serra, Matt Hughes twice, Sean Sherk, and Jay Hieron. Shields has finished the likes of Paul Daley, Robbie Lawler, Nick Thompson, Mike Pyle, and Jeremy Jackson. Both of these men have the ABILITY to finish, but it just doesn't seem likely.

Shields has seen the judges in sixteen out of his 31 fights, winning 13 of them. Of course, he does have TEN submissions in his career. He has only been finished once, and it was a TKO loss in his third ever fight to Marty Armendarez in 2000. That was obviously eleven years ago. St. Pierre has seen the judges in eight of his 23 fights and has never lost a decision. Yea, you heard me right, he has NEVER lost a decision. He has seen the judges in four of his last five fights. His last loss was in 2007 to Matt Serra in the upset of the century via TKO.

In closing, this fight is gonna be good, but its more than likely gonna be on the ground for twenty five minutes with GSP pulling out another decision win since he never loses them.

On the very same card, we have Jose Aldo defending his title, but since I think he is going to DESTROY Mark Hominick, Im not even going to consider that a major fight. However, UFC Hall of Famer, Randy Couture stepping into the cage with Lyota Machida is very, very interesting in my book. I can NOT WAIT to see this fight. I think this fight has FUN written all over it. My reason is simple...I think Lyota is too fast to get caught up in the dirty boxing against the cage routine. I think he learned with Rampage Jackson that that stuff just don't work. Look, Randy Couture is a hell of a fighter, but people need to remember that this is Lyota Machida and Couture's last fight was against a fat as hell pro-boxer. Seriously, the Machida era was LAST YEAR and everyone was saying how unbeatable he was.

Yes, Machida can be beat. However, I do not believe that Randy Couture has the ability to do it in any aspect of this fight. Yes, he is stronger more than likely and his wrestling is top notch. However, Machida's quickness will make him the first person to make Couture seriously look like an old man. Yes, Randy has won three in a row, but it was against Vera, Coleman, and Toney. Couture is definitely solid and I admit that he knows how to finish a foe, but Machida is just so slippery and quick, it seems impossible to me. Randy has proven me wrong before though and I can admit that. Yes, Machida is on a two fight losing streak, but lets be real here. It was against two of the best light heavyweights to ever walk the planet and you cannot deny that at all. I think Machida's hands are gonna be quick and he has something to prove in this fight. I think Machida is going to TKO Couture in the second round. Hell, it may even be the first. If it goes to a decision though, I am going to have to go with Couture. He knows how to earn them points and win that way...Guaranteed.

In Bellator, Cole Conrad is going to DESTROY Paul Buentello...seriously.

Moving onto the month of May, we have some good shit taking place. We got Edgar and Maynard III. We have Rampage and Hamill. We have Mir and Nelson. We have Hieron and Hawn. We have Lombard and Vitale. Another great one in Freire and Chandler.

Now, with that being said, I think Edgar and Maynard will give us another classic. It is extremely hard to pick this because that first round from fight two keeps rattling off in my head. Can Gray Maynard finish off Frankie Edgar this time? I just don't know. Frankie Edgar goes to a lot of decisions and also has issues with finishing. Nine of his fifteen fights have went to the judges and his only finishes come against the likes of Matt Veach, Mark Bocek, and a few other people that you more than likely just do not know. Maynard on the other hand, has been to the judges 8 times in 12 fights. He has only finished Joe Veras and Josh Powell. I know you are saying “who the hell are they” right now just like I did.

Chances are that this fight is going right back to the judges. Who will win it this time? I think it is truly a toss up, but I guess I am going to go with.......Frankie Edgar. Why? I have no f***ing clue to be real with you. I guess I am just going with the champ because I do not think Maynard will do enough to actually BEAT the champ.

I love Rampage Jackson, but this is a horrible fight for him. Matt Hamill isn't even considered a top ten fighter, but he is an outstanding wrestling. We all know by now that Rampage just can't stop wrestlers from taking him down. I really really hope that Rampage Jackson can nail him with some good standup, but something tells me that we are going to get 15 minutes of Hamill laying on Rampage. I hate to do this, but I honestly think that we are going to see a HUGE UPSET here with Matt Hamill getting the decision win. I think Rampage will be so pissed off that he may retire after this fight. I am not joking either. I know that it is going to piss me off, so I can only imagine what it is going to do to him. Rampage better get to swinging and knocking him out in the first round.

Frank Mir will lose to Roy Nelson via TKO and here is why. I think Roy Nelson has watched the Brock Lesnar footage. We all know that Mir has EXTREME problems with big men laying on top of him. Honestly, Nelson's chin is TOO GOOD as we saw in the fight with Dos Santos for Mir to knock him out. Mir's only chance is the submission game and Mr. Nelson has EXCELLENT ground game when it comes to jiu-jitsu. I think we will see Roy lay on top of him with that marvelous belly of his and get the TKO win. Seriously, Roy Nelson has the greatest stomach in MMA and he makes me confident as I begin my amateur MMA career in June. I know a lot of people are going to pick Mir and bash my pick here, but oh well, shit happens. Frank Mir is going to lose this fight and may be seriously put out of the UFC. Dana White was NOT happy with Mir's performance in Indianapolis (NAP TOWN!) against Mirko Cro Cop.

Jay Hieron and Rick Hawn...This should be good, but I got Hieron pulling this one out by decision to win the tournament. To be honest, I think the UFC is going to be truly interested in bringing Mr. Hieron back after this fight. He may never even get a shot at a title in Bellator, because he may not even be there that long. I guess it all depends on the contract and whether or not he even has a choice. I have no clue whether his contract will prevent this or not. If YOU know, please let me know. You can reach me at 1-800-get-off-my-nuts...Yea, thats too long, but if you were gonna call me seriously anyways, you deserve it. Seriously, just let me know through facebook or something.

I will write another portion of this blog and speak of the fights in June, July, and August. We have some HUGE fights scheduled and this should be a VERY fun summer in the sport of MMA. Thank you for reading and I will write Part TWO later on today...

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