Friday, April 8, 2011

MMA Journalism: As RAW as the sport itself???

MMA Journalism: As raw as the sport itself?

Recently a few things have come to my attention about my own writings as well as MMA journalism as a whole. The purpose of this writing piece here is to generate some opinions from you out there, the readers, writers, and fighters in the business itself. Me, King JB, has been writing as a writer since I was a young child. (Im now 30 years old) Writing is what I do for fun and writing is what I hope to do for a career. I started going to school at the age of 30 years old and am now chasing a degree in journalism as well as history. I write my novels in my spare time (14), as well as my blogs and other writings concerning sports and mixed martial arts. Hell, I even write about pro wrestling. This was something that was originally done just for fun, but recently my work has been getting noticed more and more and many different websites wish for me to associate with them.

Now, with that being said, I am still essentially new to the concept of being a journalist per say in the mixed martial arts community, and I know that I have a lot of kinks that need worked out. However, from my past work hosting “Aww Hell Naw Radio”, a hip-hop show that I created that generated over 500,000 listeners and as a writer in general, I have never censored myself. In the genres that I write about, I never felt that I needed to. There is no REAL censoring in the hip-hop industry, horror novels that I write, and essentially my MMA pieces. I have always just written from the gut regardless of what it says.

Well, one of the reasons is that every thing Ive ever been involved with required a certain shock value too it. Hip Hop requires a certain edginess from both the rapper as well as the radio show host. I loved being both things at the same time and taking on both personas. The edgier I was, the better ratings that I got. Truth is that CONTROVERSY sells and Eric Bischoff was right about that. Now, as a HORROR writer, shock value ALSO is important there too as you need to scare the shit out of the reader of your work. Thats just the truth and my idol in writing Stephen King cursed quite frequently.

Now, we fast forward to today's online work that I do. I write mainly about Mixed Martial Arts when it comes to the internet. MMA is a raw man-like sport that I always thought needed no censorship. Dana White says FUCK in every sentence. So, with that being the case, do the fans of mixed martial arts really want the writers of mixed martial arts to be censored? If I say “Wow, Paul Daley fucked Nick Diaz up”, does that offend you? Does that bother you? If so, I have to ask why? For some reason, people punching each other in the face is ok, but a curse word in a recap is wrong? Is it really that unprofessional to you? I would definitely love feedback from everyone here on this matter.

Now, the reason I bring this up is because I have recently been criticized (not in a bad way) for a few things I do in my writings. First off, the curse words apparently bother certain readers, which is funny shit to me. Why? We watch the bloodsport known as mixed martial arts and literally root for people to bash the other one's face in and we are worried about the word “Shit”? I should say feces? Damn, Paul Daley beat the FECES out of Nick Diaz? What kind of shit is that? Yes, I am interested in your feedback and I am curious to hear from people that this does offend. The fighters curse, the front office of the sport curses, the fans curse, but the writers shouldnt? What is there that I am not getting? Cursing seems like a very normal part of the MMA culture to me.

Also, I have been criticized for my article on Nick Diaz as well as my article on Paul Daley. So, me suggesting that Paul Daley might be fighting for his career based on his recent actions and attitude is offensive and may cost a website an opportunity to deal with that fighter in the future? If I say Nick Diaz sounded like he was high as fuck in his last interview and pointed out some bullshit in his interview, I am fighter bashing? You mean to tell me that these fighters are such pussies that they will completely run AWAY from a particular website because one of their writers or contributers said something that he doesn't like? I never fighter bash. I only give my opinions and the truth is that with BOTH OF THEM FIGHTERS, I also said how much I admired, respected, and LOVED these fighters. These are two of my FAVORITE fighters in the world. I follow their career on a regular basis. I dont have the right to criticize them at all? Jesus Christ, that means all I can do is just basically be a boring douche and just become a zombie and report things with no emotion or feeling.

Now, don't get me wrong...If a certain website ASKS me to censor myself, I will. Unlike Nick Diaz, Dana White can be rest-assured that I will “Play the Game” and do what it takes to stay in the MMA community as a contributing writer. However, I just think its REAL fucked up that people actually think that this sport needs censored writers. If I wanted to censor myself, I would go try to work for ESPN in their MMA field and become the new Jon Anik.

Overall, I guess I know that its true and I will have to change my writing style...It just makes me sad to even think about it or consider it. This was supposed to be a RAW sport...A sport for GLADIATORS...A sport for the hardcore...the people that can take a punch. But, if people can't even take the word “fuck”...I don't know where this sport is headed.

Maybe Im right...maybe Im wrong...Either way, I would LOVE to know everyone's opinions...


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