Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wingman of the Week: Sterling Archer

For the second installment of Wingman of the Week I've chosen to go with another wild card, Sterling Archer, code name Isis.  Archer has all the tools to be a great wingman; looks, being a secret agent, good with guns, doesn't wear condoms, etc... The list goes on, but it's the intangibles that really set him apart.  His willingness to go the extra mile for women the morning after is truly something to behold.

With Archer you never know where your night will end up, just know you're never far from the danger zone or a cross dressing Irish assassin.  I didn't say he was a wild card for nothing.  

You can catch Archer's second season Thursday nights on FX starting January 27th at 10 pm ET.  Also, buy the first season here, it makes for a great Christmas gift (hint, hint Santa)

Domo arigato,


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