Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The procrastinators holiday gift guide

Ho ho ho...

As we near the end of the holiday season, with only three days until Xmas, I'm sure all of you are done shopping and have your gifts nicely wrapped and tucked away in your closet deeper than your love of all things Gaga.

However, if you are like me and haven't done shit for shopping (mainly because you've been busy being selfish and drunk) don't fret.  There's plenty of time to get all your shopping done.  Here's the list of awesome gear that will bring joy to even the hardest to shop for person.

Quick tangent to those people, stop being a selfish douche.  It isn't cool to be 'hard to shop for'.  You know who else is hard to shop for?  Jennifer Lopez.  And you what she she is?  A terrible person.  So be a little more forthcoming and a little less 'Jenny from the Block' when it comes to gift ideas.

Without further ado here is Raucus Procrastinators Holiday Gift Guide, because you're short on time I've made it idiot proof.  There are four different gift ideas, just play the music videos.  If the person you;re shopping for would like that song then choose the corresponding gifts and gear.

1. iTunes single stocking stuffer: Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter

Super Trendy Gift: Life by Keith Richards.  Buy it here.

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Gear: Parliament of Rooks and Back in Black

2. iTunes single stocking stuffer: Das Racist - You Outta Know

Super Trendy Gift: Family Guy Star Wars 3 pack, buy it here

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Gear: Purple Haze, Panama Red and Pretty Bird

3. iTunes single stocking stuffer: Notorious BIG and Frank Sinatra

Super Trendy Gift: Exit Through the Gift Shop Buy it here.
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Gear: Vintage Tonic

4. iTunes single stocking stuffer: I Wanna Know Now - Xaphoon Jones Remix (MGMT and Bob Marley)

Super Trendy Gift: Wild Thing Max print by Nan Lawson.  Buy it here.

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Gear: Maui Wowie or Pretty 'n' Pink

Everyone have a safe holiday and remember to get laid this season, it makes you less of an asshole.

Love Begrudgingly,


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