Friday, December 17, 2010

The kick heard around the world

Last night marked the final event for the WEC (World Extreme Cagefighting) in Scottsdale, Arizona.  This one of the very few organizations that closed up shop while still being a successful company.  The end of their reign coming due to the merger with their big brother the UFC.

I went into this card with a small tear in my eye remembering all the great fights and fighters who battled under the WEC banner.  However, this night will be forever remembered by what's now being referred to as 'The Showtime' kick.  Going into the fifth round of their title fight Anthony 'Showtime' Pettis was squaring off against Ben 'Smooth' Henderson (I'll let you guess which one threw the kick...)  This was already a very memorable fight, these two had been kicking the shit out of each other for twenty four minutes and then BAM!!! Pettis pulled off a move that Jet Li probably jerks it to.  Check it out below:

Domo Arigato,


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