Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lady Gaga Threatens to Sue Breast Milk Ice Cream Makers

The Icecreamists are a small ice cream parlor shop in London.  They have attracted the ire of Gaga with their new flavor 'Baby Gaga' and now she is threatening to sue.  The kicker to the story?  The ice cream is made with human breast milk...oh my gross.

Gaga's attorney's are saying blah blah blah 'likeness rights' blah blah blah 'hepatitis'.  While, the owners of the parlor took a much more eloquent approach with this awesome quote:

"For Lady Gaga to accuse us of stealing her image is laughable when you consider how much she has borrowed from popular culture to create her look and music. She also seems to have forgotten that since the dawn of time the word gaga has been one of the first discernible phrases to come from a baby's mouth. This is why we chose the name." (source)

The only reason Gaga is suing is because she didn't think of it first.  What are you going after next?  Lady fingers?  Lady and the Tramp?  You going to threaten to sue every time a baby says, 'goo-goo gaga?'  I can handle her being a weirdo that wears meat suits and is vaguely attractive, but I don't like this new bitchy, insecure Gaga.  She's like a turbo slut who wants to cuddle after a one night stand, it's just awkward.

Domo Arigato,


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