Friday, June 29, 2012

COCA-COLA Supports Youth Development

The beneficiary organizations displaying the dummy cheques
The Coca-Cola Equatorial Africa and its bottling partner, the Coca-Cola Bottling Company Ghana have presented cash to five youth development organizations to build the capacity of the youth in the country.
The beneficiary organizations include Play Soccer, Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Junior Achievement Ghana (JAG), United Way Ghana (UWG) and The Zawadi Africa Education Fund.
The Coca-Cola has consistently supported youth development organizations in Ghana as part of its commitment to help nurture the skills of the youth of this country.
Speaking at the presentation ceremony, the PAC Director of Coca-Cola Equatorial Africa, Philippe Ayivor, said Ghana needs active, skillful, knowledgeable and confident youth to support its ambitious development agenda.
“We, at Coca-Cola, will play our part by continuing to invest in sustainable youth development programs.”
He urged the beneficiary organizations to continue to develop active and productive youth in society.
According to him, Coca-Cola focuses on organizations that contribute to building an informed, independent, active and enterprising youth to support Ghana’s development goals.
He noted that since 2007, the company, in line with its commitment, has been working closely with the National Service Secretariat (NSS) to employ about 150 national service personnel annually for its operations.
“These service personnel are given sales, marketing and entrepreneurial skills training for the period of their service. The personnel also learn the culture and ethic of working in a large multinational and work every day on real business issues”.
The Country Director of Junior Achievement, Ghana, Jefferson Worlanyo Agbai, commended Coca-Cola for the kind gesture and indicated that young people need to be prepared to take on jobs or create jobs.
He therefore stressed the need for the youth to be supported and given the needed tools to help them effectively compete so as to realize their dreams.
“Since Ghana’s economic growth does not keep pace with the number of graduates entering the workforce, there is the need for partnerships to become vital and effectively deal with the issue,” he stressed.
Abdul Wahab Musah, Acting Country Director, Play soccer-Ghana on behalf of Play Soccer Ghana, commended Coca-Cola for the initiative.
Jonathan Akuamoah, Executive Director-United Way Ghana, also lauded Coca-Cola for investing in the organization and its affiliate, Street Girls Aid, NGO

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