Monday, May 28, 2012

Inmates release album in prison

Erico Erico
It is amazing how much enthusiasm for life one can get from doing what they love the most. This has just been proven by two prisoners from the Migori GK Prison who against all odds have managed to drop an album while still behind bars.
Music kept them going and when the Senior Captain Peter Ayuka discovered their passion for it, he did all he could in his power to make it possible for them to reform themselves through the music that was their escape from their old lives.
Calvin Ochieng and Erick Nyakundi who go by the stage names Lil' Veen and Erico respectively were both convicted for money laundry. What a coincidence that they should find their mutual love for music behind bars and team up to drop an album. The ambitions of being the next Lil' Wayne and Birdman went down the drain as they turned their lives around, including their perception for life in general, leading them to producing more meaningful music that reflected to their lives in prison.
Lil Veen
Lil' Veen.
Their album titled 'Reformed' was funded by the prison itself and produced at Fountain Studios in Migori. The album is generally about the life in prison and all that goes on behind the huge walls. They also don't hesitate to air their requests that they wish would be considered by the prison officials. I'd say their pushing their luck, but that's what music is for. Airing your concerns of the society.
The 6 track album is a fusion of hiphop and genge and was launched in the presence of the Migori DC Julius Mutula and other officials of the County.

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