Thursday, May 31, 2012

Camp Mulla's Bhang Smoking Video ishakuataabu!

story written by Ghafla!

"All in all, wonderful production work that we've come to expect from Camp Mulla and K'Cous with aligned vocals and instrumentals: harmony!"

Unfortunately, another aspect of the video has been brought into the light. The fact that they were smoking bhangi aka marijuana in the video. Smoking weed publicly has been known to increase many rappers street cred, including mega starss like Snoop Dogg and more recently Wiz Khalifa.
This is a double-edged sword though, for as much as weed makes one look bad-ass, it also remains illegal in Kenya and most parts of the world. Camp Mulla received a lot of heat for the video, which has resulted in them deleting the video from their YouTube Channel.

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