Friday, May 27, 2011

Tiki Barber

Tiki Barber: Recently News about Tiki Barber in this article.There must be something about blocking for runners NFL Gatorade just keeps saying the darndest things. Rashard Mendenhall? Sympathetic to Bin Laden. Adrian Peterson? League compared to "modern slavery. But now, courtesy of Tiki Barber, comes perhaps the mother of all bizarre analogies. Barber, who's attempting a football comeback at age 36 after retiring in 2007 to pursue a TV career, has managed to somehow compare himself to Holocaust victim Anne Frank. Barber said the media scrutiny forced him and Johnson into hiding - into the attic of the New Jersey house of his agent, Mark Lepselter. In an interview with Sports Illustrated's L. Jon Wertheim, Barber recounted his very public split from his wife Ginny in 2009 and his subsequent relationship with young NBC intern Traci Johnson. As you may recall, the Big Apple media had a field day with Barber's transgressions. A New York Post headline on April 7, 2010: "Tiki Barber dumps pregnant wife for hot blonde. Tiki Barber

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