Monday, May 16, 2011

Daily Wrap from the Throne (5/16/11)

Daily Wrap from the Throne
by King JB

TOPIC #1: SPONSORSHIP and the END of KING JB's affiliation with MMA Topics.

Well, things have been going real good these days in regards to the MMA website as well as MMA Affiliates Radio. We have received sponsorship which allows us to go for TWO hours on the radio show any time that we choose to. It is the ability to do many more things with this radio show that we need to do. We actually have TWO sponsors for the show and what we are doing. Unfortunately however, there has been a change within the relationship of KING JB and Mr. Dibiase. This problem has led to the complete and TOTAL demise of our partnership. I am 100% out of MMA and the MMA Kingdom is being RE-BORN. I will be working on the site as I already have gained possible co-host to continue the radio show as well as the GROUP page on Facebook.

What are my opinions on this split? Well, I think I was dealing with someone that I was clearly warned about. However, someone that runs a VERY SUCCESSFUL MMA site that I consider my mentor sat me down and had a huge discussion about my conduct as an up and coming journalist, whether it ends up being MMA or not. I respect the advice given and intend on being as serious and dedicated as possible to growing the MMA Kingdom to where it needs to be. I believe that I have made the right decision by moving forward as a separate entity from Dibiase and MMA Topics. Am I gonna hate on him? Even though he BASHED me as much as his little mind could on the internet, I refuse to fire back. I only beef with people on the Internet with MORE MONEY than me or MORE PRESTIGE. Honestly, if I am gonna beef, it needs to be VALUABLE to me. PERIOD.

TOPIC #2: Matt Mitrione (4-0) vs. Tito Ortiz (16-8-1)

As we all know, Matt Mitrione and Ortiz got into it at the summit, but today it got a lot more interesting when Matt explained it. Apparently, he went up to Tito to introduce himself and Tito pushed him away. It was apparently about some shit that Matt said on Twitter or something about Tito's wife. Now, Tito should already expect to hear things about his wife when he married a porn whore. Especially, one of the biggest named porn whore's of all time. I love Tito Ortiz as a fighter, but he's just simply an idiot for getting mad at that type shit and shoving him. Well, Mitrione has said that he will cut to 205 to not only fight Tito, but he said to end his career if Ryan Bader doesn't. I still have seen no response from Tito Ortiz yet.

When it comes to the actual fight if it happened? Id have to ROOT for Tito Ortiz, but honestly, Matt might be able to pull out a win here. He is so much bigger than Tito to be honest. I am a huge Tito fan and I understand that he is trying to defend his wife's honor (despite what I said earlier). With that being his feul, he may be able to take Mitrione down and smash his face in. However, size matters in this sport more often than not. Mitrione would probably take it via size. I would love to see this fight though. What about you all out there?

TOPIC #3: Kenny Florian (13-5) Still Says He can be LW Champion

Kenny Florian has said that he can STILL be the lightweight champion despite fighting a weight class lower now. Are you kidding me? Kenny Florian has shown time after time that the Lightweight Championship is something that just isn't within his reach. Hell, not even the Strikeforce Lightweight Championship in my book right now. Kenny Florian better focus on his upcoming fight in the featherweight division. He is the one that chose to move down because he couldn't win the lightweight championship after a shit load of opportunities. I truly believe that Kenny is going to end up unsuccessful at featherweight and just because BJ Penn isn't hanging around the lightweight division anymore, it doesn't mean that its wide open for Kenny to take. He better focus on his next fight and just shut the hell up right now. He is stepping into the cage with a man that is 16-1 I believe in Diego Nunes and can easily hurt him.

I am not a Kenny Florian hater AT ALL...However, he needs to just stay focused. He will probably never be a champion in the UFC. That is just the truth and most people already know that.

TOPIC #4: Mark Coleman (16-10) wants Herschel Walker (2-0)

Mark Coleman was just talking about retirement yesterday and now he wants Herschel Walker? So, is he saying he wants Zuffa to pick him back up and pay him his huge salary in Strikeforce? Well, I am actually ALL FOR THIS FIGHT. I think it would be a GREAT test for Walker and give him a chance to beat a legend in only his third fight. I truly hope this fight happens and I would actually pay to see it. I know most people out there are Coleman haters, but not me. I would love to see this fight. Yesterday, I reported that Coleman wanted Dan Severn too. he retired? I think not...just fired from Zuffa...Thats the only thing stopping him!

WAR COLEMAN and WALKER! Lets do this, just for the fun of it!

TOPIC #5: Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman doing business with the UFC? Well, I love it because I have been a Paul Heyman fan since his days in World Championship Wrestling as Paul E. Dangerously. Of course, he then created the company known as the ECW and the rest is history. He is the man credited for bringing Brock Lesnar into the world of Pro Wrestling. He has a GREAT personality and knows how to promote. If the UFC does choose to use him to help promote for UFC 131 and its for sure, I love this entire concept! I love to see MMA and Pro Wrestling mix...even for a little bit.

Its hard to not love this story if your an old school wrestling fan! WAR HEYMAN!

TOPIC #6: Anthony Pettis (13-1) vs. Gray Maynard (10-0-0-1)

Gray Maynard said Pettis only fought srubs in the WEC. Pettis responded by taking the high road and saying that them scrubs from the WEC that he is respecting is currently beating UFC fighters. He said that Maynard disrespected all of them more than him. I personally agree with Anthony Pettis in this particular situation despite not being the biggest Pettis supporter. The truth is that Pettis fought some great talent and the WEC fighters ARE great fighters. Ben Henderson is winning. Donald Cerrone is winning. You have no choice but to recognize the overall success that the WEC has had in its short time merged with the UFC.

Gray Maynard was right however when he said that the only reason that Pettis is know is because of that kick. However, I will say that Pettis is definitely a great fighter at 155. I do NOT put him into my top ten, but I still think he is good. Personally, I think Clay Guida ( ) is going to beat him and lock his OWN title shot in. I think that Pettis will lose this fight in every way possible. Clay Guida deserves this win and I truly believe that he will get it done. Anthony Pettis seems a little TOO confident considering the fact that he has a VERY VERY tough Clay Guida very soon.

Anthony Pettis vs. Gray Maynard? Will it happen? Im sure it is, but neither one of them two will be champions any time soon.

TOPIC #7: Anthony Johnson Twitter War

Ok, this morning started off extremely rough and I will go through what happened with me and Rumble (9-3) on Twitter. It wasn't the prettiest thing, but we have since them SQUASHED it and moved on. We will be having Anthony Johnson on MMA Affiliates Radio this coming Sunday Night. I am not a Rumble Johnson hater and I was wrong for my actions. I should have understood the fact that air lines suck sometimes. I was wrong. Good to have him on the show still though...It should be some good shit.

TOPIC #8: Zuffa Zombies

Quit calling everyone Zuffa Zombies just because we don't hate Dana White! Thats fucking ridiculous. It doesn't even deserve more play than these two sentences.



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