Tuesday, May 24, 2011

King JB w/ Shane Carwin

Interview w/ Shane Carwin

KING JB: First off, I would like to thank you Mr. Carwin for taking the time to
conduct this interview for the MMA Kingdom/MMA Affiliates Radio.

We are all aware that you have been placed in the main event of UFC
131 as a replacement for Brock Lesnar in a #1 contender's fight with
Junior Dos Santos. You were originally already booked for the card in
your return, did the change in opponent drastically effect your
training, or was it basically the same?

CARWIN: I have so little time in the Octagon that I try to focus on just preparing for everything. I am training all aspects of MMA and that has and will continue to be the focus. My coaches develop gameplans but we are training pure MMA vs a specific style for this fight or that fight.

KING JB: Knowing that you are one fight away from potentially another title
shot, do you get jitters in your stomach or does your previous
experience make this easier to deal with?

CARWIN: You know I just go with what comes my way, I am focused on this fight and while I fully understand the implications looking past a fighter like Junior would be a huge mistake. I remain firmly focused on Junior and the huge challenge ahead.

KING JB: Junior Dos Santos...does he pose a bigger threat to you than Brock
Lesnar did in your last fight or are you more confident in this
opponent than you were against Brock? Basically, which fighter
presents the more winnable situation in your mind?

CARWIN: I think they are equally tough but in different ways. For a guy like Brock you use your wrestling to negate his and Junior is dangerous if you keep him standing. I do not think any fight at this level is easy.

KING JB: Many fans believe that this is gonna be a fight that ends in a
knockout regardless of who wins the fight. My question is simple. Due
to your wrestling ability, would you personally prefer this fight to
hit the ground or are you confident in standing and striking with JDS?

Many people have honestly questioned your stamina after the Lesnar
fight. Would you chalk up your loss to Lesnar on cardio issues and
what steps have you done to improve your cardio since your last fight?

CARWIN: You will just need to tune in to find out. In the gym before the Lesnar fight I was going five five minute rounds without issue. Then the fight came and we saw what happend. I have made a few adjustments to address the issues I had.

KING JB: At age 36, realistically how many years or fights would you say you
have left? Do you consider this opportunity your last major chance at
the UFC Heavyweight Crown? Is this your last major run here at the

CARWIN: I could do this for years. I have around 20 minutes in the cage and a lot less at the elite level. I have only been doing MMA for like 5 years. The question is how long does it make sense for me to do it. It comes down to how the family can handle the sacrifices. In my mind before I got the call for this fight I was starting at the bottom and needed to earn a shot. I still feel that way I am just blessed enough to be fighting for another shot.

KING JB: You started your career pretty late for a professional fighter. Had
you begun at age 18 or 21, how many times would we be saying that
Shane Carwin was the champion of the world in your eyes?

CARWIN: No idea, I try not to focus on what ifs

KING JB: What is your most memorable moment as a fighter?

CARWIN: Beating Frank Mir for the title

KING JB: Before you retire, do you want to avenge your loss to Brock Lesnar?

CARWIN: I would be honored to fight him again. First and foremost I would love to seem him get healthy and live a long and happy life. If he comes back I would be honored to face him.

KING JB: Would you care to elaborate on your opinion of the Rashad Evans/Greg
Jackson split? Do you see a day ever when that situation is returned
to normal without animosity from Evans?

CARWIN: I really do not follow a lot of the MMA drama. I know they have been friends for a long time and I would assume they will be friends for a long time to come. Rashad had spent his last few camps here at Grudge and he is has a team that travels with him. I think they both will be fine.

KING JB: Do you feel that you had enough time to prepare for Junior Dos Santos?

CARWIN: Is there ever enough time to prepare for a guy as talented as Junior? I think I am blessed with an opportunity I could not pass up.

KING JB: After your fighting career, what are we most likely to see Shane
Carwin doing in life? Any other careers in mind?

CARWIN: I have created the hydraulic model we use for my current job and we plan on helping other towns and cities benefit from my model.

KING JB: What was your opinion of Zuffa purchasing Strikeforce. Is this good
for MMA or bad in your eyes?

CARWIN: I think you have to have the feeder shows. Competition is good for the sport. I thinkit creates the opportunity for a new number two to arrise.

KING JB: A question from another fan that I promised to ask you. If you were to
step in the cage with Alistair Overeem, how would you see it going
down? You both are excellent strikers and theoretically, what would
your game plan be?

CARWIN: I hope to do that some day so I will keep the gameplan to myself. Overeem is one of the best fighters on the planet it would be an honor.

KING JB: I would like to thank you Shane for answering these questions. Good
luck in your upcoming fight and some day we would love to have you on
MMA AFFILIATES RADIO when you are less busy.

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