Friday, May 27, 2011

Bishop Eddie Long

Bishop Eddie Long: Bishop Eddie Long, pastor of Atlanta, mega-church was out-of-court settlement with four men who accused him of pressuring them to have sex. Although the bishop long promised to fight the accusations of the men of Art Franklin, a spokesman for Long said that the ruling was "more reasonable for the journey. Franklin continued in a statement, “This decision was made to bring closure to this matter and to allow us to move forward with the plans God has for this ministry. According to the lawsuit, the young men accused Long of using his power and influence in the church to persuade them to engage in sexual acts such as massages, masturbation and oral copulation. The men also claimed that Lange took trips to Kenya, and gave them gifts, including jewelry, electronics, cars and clothing. Long men lawyers denied the allegations and said their client was simply trying to be a father figure for young people. Despite the scandal, many were in the church of Long by him. But some believe that this new regulation can mitigate some of its support. Bishop Eddie Long

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