Friday, June 29, 2012

Goldie: I have forgotten all about Prezzo

Goldie Goldie
It seems that Goldie has finally broken away from the chains that were Prezzo's charms. She is finally free and you can even see the glow in her face as she tell this to Biggie in her diary session.
a jovial Goldie walked into the diary room and when Biggie asked her about her relationship with Prezzo, with a smile in her face she said, "I have forgiven him but I have also forgotten him".

This is quite surprising considering that most of the viewer and housemates were expecting a sad and grumpy Goldie with tears all over. I'm sure Prezzo is as confused as we all are and obviously a little disappointed since he always thought he was her rock as he recently stated "if something should happen to us, she would die." Guess not.
Goldie is finally back to her real self. Let's watch and see if she can hold it together.

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