Saturday, March 13, 2010

Back in the Wagon

Rainy day in Fayetteville. Most of mega proj 3 was probably dry but I'm in redpoint mode on that rig. Redpointed the 13b bit to the roof twice yesterday and stuck the crux move twice on link. Second time I fell throwing my heel to the lip. Had I stuck that I just would have had to hold on for the 13a headwall. Good chance I coulda done it. Getting close though. I'm figuring the whole route is 13b to a 10 move v9 to 13a. What's that equal? 14a/b? I'd like to think b, it is for sure a whole step harder than Proper Soul so who knows. The redpoint crux pocket is usually the only hold that's wet and it's not the hardest move but it's the hardest move you gotta do pumped as the bejeesus, and you have to do a deep lock off until you're kinda pulling out. Bam, off the rig.

So I installed a good portion of Max's guts. Got all the cabinetry framed out for the most part. Still have to get the shelves in and stain a few bits but the majority is in.

I also built a little mock kitchen so I could see how deep the stove and sink go. I wanted to make sure that the cabinet dividers underneath wouldn't interfere. As a bonus I now have a template to trace for cutting the countertop. Only one shot on that cut, want to do it right the first time. I like how the kitchen setup is turning out. It'll look nice with the custom faux granite counter.

I was also able to manage a bit more work underneath and got the basic layout for the cabinets. It'll be three 15 inch cabinets with a single shelf. Lots of storage in this one.

About midday Mike Cole came to pick up Troy. It was bittersweet for sure. I'm glad to have found him a good home and I could tell from Mike's excitement that Troy is in good hands. Mike works for Caterpillar, the heavy equipment company. He says he can use the lift at work to work on the rig and check this out.....He can paint the rig for free if, and here's the catch, he paints it forklift yellow! So Troy is going to get a makeover and he will finally get the color he deserves. Bright yellow for the bad ass piece of machinery that he is. Go on with it Troy. You're going to look like a bad man. Here's Mike turning the key on his new rig. Good luck Mike, Troy's got your back now.

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