Tuesday, August 11, 2009

UFC 101 Anderson Silva vs Forrest Griffin

Well I finally got the chance to see UFC 101 yesterday and boy was it worth the wait. If you haven't seen it yet look away now cause I know how it feels when fights are ruined for me. I usually opt for a media block out, and yeah don't use twitter the next day, trust me!

I can say with absolute confidence that the performance of Anderson Silva against Forrest has to be the greatest performance I have ever seen inside the Octagon. Joe Rogan says it a lot, but Silva is definitely a character out of a movie. Silva was up against the former UFC Light Heavyweight champion and one of the most beloved fighters in the UFC ever since his slug fest with Stefan Bonner in the Ultimate Fighter finally season one. Forrest also has excellent cardio, great power and most of all heart! People might have been excused if they thought he had a chance against the reigning Middleweight champion, I sure did, especially taking into account Silva's last two fights versus Cote and Laites. Cote got injured mid way through and Laites ran from Silva for 5 rounds. Lets also not Forget that Silva was moving up a weight class to fight Griffin. What we were treated too was magical.

Silva felt up Griffin for the usual minute and then turned on the action. He managed to knock down Griffin 3 times in the first round the last of which finished the fight as Forrest waved that he has had enough! The first knock down was via a right hook to the jaw which dropped Forrest instantly but he was able to recover pretty quickly. The second one was truly brilliant. Silva stayed in the "pocket" in front of Forrest ducking under 3 punches with incredible head movement only to land a straight right and Forrest was down again. It was something you could only see in a Hollywood movie, something Jet-Li could pull off. Silva immediately pounced on him and at that point I though Forrest was done, but either he recovered or Anderson wasn't ready to finish him off yet. With Forrest out of options he attempted a flurry of punches while moving aggressively forward, Silva moved back smoothly and landed a jab while doing so that downed Griffin for the final time. I couldn't believe my eyes.
I was watching with my brother, who follows UFC diligently like myself, my wife who is a huge Ultimate Fighter fan, and a friend who sees a game with me once every blue moon. Prior to the game my brother and I were trying to explain why Anderson Silva is a legend but no amount of words could explain what my friend saw with his own eyes a few minutes later. If you ever see an MMA match this one has to be it!

Anderson Silva is the best pound for pound fighter in the world, and probably the best fighter that ever lived. Like Jordan was for basketball and Mardonna was to football, Anderson Silva is for MMA!

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