Monday, August 31, 2009

United Are Untouchable

I had the pleasure of watching Man United's game against Arsenal on Saturday and I was left with a loss of appetite, albeit after eating like a mad man at my in laws. Arguably this wasn't that bad on that particular day I was spared from watching Milan's 4-0 thrashing by arch rivals Inter...Rock on Galliani and Berlusconi!
The Arsenal game had everything you could wish in football, goals and drama. Showsports presenter Rob McCaffery said it beautifully "And you wonder why people pay to watch the English Premier League". For the neutral it must have been a blast but being a Gooner myself I was left feeling robbed and angry. Yes my perspective possibly is bias but surely the refereeing display on that day by Mike Dean was a farce. United had luck and the referee on their side that day. Where to begin.....?
Before scoring the opener Andrei Arshavin was hacked down inside the penalty area via a blatant double tackle by Darren Fletcher, the ball also might have struck Fletcher's hand while Arshavin was applying the dummy, there was no doubt in my mind...a penalty and a yellow card but to my shock the referee waved play on??? I couldn't believe my eyes. What made things much worse for me was that early in the second half with Arsenal knocking on United's door for a second to put this game to rest Mike Dean decided to award Rooney a penalty. Well in my eyes this was not a penalty and all what Rooney hoped to achieve with his run at Almunia was any contact so he could tumble to the floor. Yes there was contact, but seeing the replay from the back (also the view of the referee) Wayne proceeded to throw his legs up before Almunia touched him. Add this to the fact that prior to contact Rooney had already nicked the ball too strongly and it was heading outside of the stadium and this to me was no penalty. However for arguments sake lets assume Mike Dean didn't see what I saw and we all know how poor referees have only a second to make a decision and blah...blah...blah..... How can he possibly give Rooney's penalty and not Arshavin's? Fletcher in the latter managed to lift Andrei off the ground and bring him tumbling down. All I am asking for is consistency. You can't give one and not the other, period!

Penalties aside, Wenger complained that a certain United player was present to only make fouls on Arsenal, while I think Arsen is exaggerating a bit, Darren Fletcher throughout the game had earned himself a minimum of one Red Card and possibly two. Mr. Dean (pictured above pointing out that 3 fouls was too much) I counted around 5 0r 6 fouls that game two of witch would have warranted a yellow card each for sure. The penalty that was never given, and the high boot with studs showing into Clichey's shoulder, Dean never acted. This case reminded me a couple of seasons back when Paul Scholes used to wear the invulnerability cloak too and in some Old Trafford games he just couldn't be booked if he tried.
Wenger was then red carded at the end of the game for kicking a bottle of water, this had no impact on the game but turned out into a comedy sketch that best displayed the calibre of refereeing in the game. What added to the comedy affair was the fact that the fans that once cheered the king of synchronised diving Mr. Ronaldo for so many years proceeded to jeer Eduardo for a dive (in a Celtic game, earlier in the week) that was no more than what Rooney produced a few minutes earlier.
The game overall was very competitive, hats off to United for grabbing three points, in a game where they were outplayed throughout most of 90 minutes. Arsenal and Arsen have alot of positives to look at as they dominated the reigning champions at their fortress, and lost via a debatable penalty and a fluke Diaby own goal, what was he thinking?. A Van Persie goal was correctly disallowed late on, that on another day could have been the equaliser. The team as a whole and Diaby in particular showed great metal to come back after the own goal and try to level the game by playing their football, but how they missed Fabregas that night. It might seem difficult to imagine this Arsenal team winning the title (I still consider Chelsea favorites) but if Wenger can bring in one or 2 players before the window ends tomorrow it might just happen.

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