Sunday, August 16, 2009

Movie of the Week

The Hangover

I finally got a chance to see the movie on the weekend and boy was it worth it. Prior to seeing The Hangover my favorite comedy of the year was "I love You Man" starring Jason Segel and Paul Rudd, not anymore.
The plot is very believable, the acting is sound and it's just extremely funny from start to finish. Ed Helmes (The Office) and Zach Galifianakis are hilarious while Bradley Cooper is smart and funny. If you are a Cairo resident like myself, I suggest not seeing it at the cinema and wait till it's on DVD or something as I've heard they censored the hell out of it. None the less my brother saw it over here and although he could tell it was cut up he still managed to enjoy it immensely. I recommend this movie as one of the must see flicks of the year. It's funny as hell!

Rating: 4/5 Star

Check out the official movie trailer here The Hangover Trailer

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