Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tags Leach Santorum Debate over Electoral Votes

Tags Leach Santorum Debate over Electoral Votes: State Sen. Daylin Leach D-Delaware is throwing it to former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, singing back up. As Slate reports, the Republican presidential hopeful is calling the proposal to scrap the state’s winner take all system of awarding electoral votes one that is, “from the standpoint of a Republican a winner.” Those words are music to Sen. Leach’s ears.  Here’s Leach’s statement: Sen. Daylin Leach, D-Delaware Montgomery, today applauded Rick Santorum for his remarks about the electoral vote splitting plan and its potential impact on Pennsylvanians, and encouraged Gov. Corbett to come clean about the intentions behind the bill. In his remarks, Santorum explained, “Certainly, from the standpoint of a Republican, it’s a winner. Republicans will come out ahead in Pennsylvania in every election. The way Democrats win, they have two big cities with huge concentrations of voters and then overwhelm the rest of the state.” Leach, who yesterday held a press conference with Good Government leaders to challenge the plan, said he appreciates Santorum’s candor. “Sen. Rick Santorum openly admitted that Corbett's election rigging scheme is just that. This ends any pretense that this plan is about good government or fairness. This is simply about making sure the results of future elections are no longer in doubt. How can anyone who believes in democracy support this?” Leach asked. “I encourage Gov. Corbett to publicly admit the reasons for his support of this bill, and to stop using ridiculous rhetoric to shield its true intentions.” The electoral vote-splitting bill would change the electoral vote process by splitting up the state's 20 electoral votes and allocating them according to congressional district. The current system awards all of a state’s electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. Yesterday, Leach said that he hopes that by shedding light on the motivation behind the Vote-Rigging Bill and the negative effects that could arise from its implementation, Pennsylvanians will realize that it is not the right course of action for the Commonwealth. He urged anyone who opposes the bill to contact their local senator and voice their concerns. Tags Leach Santorum Debate over Electoral Votes.

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