Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Bling Ring

The Bling Ring: Have you ever wondered what Jennifer Grey made since winning Dancing with the stars of a couple of years? His popularity was so great at the time expected to be presented in a new musical movie or TV series, but it disappeared from view. Now it has become a lifetime movie called The Ring Bling which is not the star, but only a supporting player. What a disappointment! Bling Ring is an original movie based on a true story. Remember years ago reading and hearing about the flights that take place in Hollywood. Celebrity home were shattered by a gang in adolescence. It turns out that the band was just a bunch of spoiled brats who thought they were on the right of Hollywood to get what they wanted.They also had an obsession about celebrity and thought even publicity about criminal activity was better than no publicity at all. The focus in this movie is on Zack Garvey (Austin Butler) and Natalie Kim (Yin Chang). Both are students at an alternative school in California. Garvey is a shy kid desperate for friends. Kim is attracted to him because his father works at a Hollywood studio, even though it is only in payroll. Together these two get involved in robbing houses, starting with Paris Hilton's. They do it for the thrills, the money and the access to celebrity. They were completely amoral in relation to their actions constitute a crime. The reason given by some of the stars left their doors unlocked. Its stupid is that! Grey plays Iris, the mother of Garvey. As such, his scenes are limited to "how I have failed" and "I can do to help?" There is not much needed capacity to act, and Grey does not give much. Butler and Chang are stars and they deliver a confident image of the characters as they are assigned. The show has a certain fascination for the public, because it is based on a true story and the facts are fascinating for them. The acting is OK with children are the stars and the older players like Gray, Scott and Tom Irwin class support. At least we now know that Jennifer Grey is alive and keeps his hand in the pool acting perhaps the next time role would be best suited to his talents and worthy of its status The first-Bling Ring Wednesday, September 26 at 21:00 for life.The Bling Ring

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