Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sergei Kharitonov DESTROYS Emelianenko in his response!

(Source: Fighters Only Magazine)

Aleks Emelianenko recently had very harsh words for his brother Fedor's trainers, blaming them for the loss to Henderson, and calling them incompetent amoebas. Below noted Russian fighter Sergei Kharitonov responds in an interview with ValeTudo.ru

ValeTudo.ru: What can you say concerning loud statements about you made by Alexander Emelianenko?

Sergei Kharitonov: When I read his interview I laughed out loud. Although he is 30 years old and that’s certainly not the reason for laughter. Firstly, for guys like Alex I am not Serezha but Sergei Valeryevich. Secondly, it’s about time for him to learn how to compress thoughts and, above all, to think before he speaks. He didn’t get a proper upbringing, I guess, but I don’t want to go deeper in it – he doesn’t deserve so much honor. He is a great trash-talker but real fighters prove their strength in the ring.

Alex is a drinker, he is always brawling. Normal man like me or Fedor would never drink to alcoholic mania and fight in the street. But I often hear about Alex getting into scraps like this in different corners of our country. He rampages, harasses the waitresses and other girls, lies, cries on every corner that he is a champion of the world and the strongest man on Earth. I guess, this is some kind of a drug effect.

VT: Is it true that he is not allowed to fight abroad because of medical condition? The rumors are...

SK: All organizations in the world know about his hepatitis C and nobody wants to have business with him. He has drunk himself into this disease. He is drug addicted alcoholic and criminal. All his disrespectful remarks to the athletes are just a bulls---. How can he fight with hepatitis? Nobody gonna take him to any tournament. He lies that he hasn’t been to prison but it’s not true, he has.

VT: What do you know about his business today?

SK: I know that for the present moment Alex doesn’t have neither house nor home. He has spend everything on drink. He doesn’t have a flat, doesn’t have a car. And the only way to make some money for him is to give a scandalous interview and to attract some attention to his person. He is ready for everything to get the bout. He even came to Fedor’s camp with the hope that Fedor would help him to organize a fight somewhere. But he is washed-up.

VT: Do you believe that prison has an influence on him?

SK: I know some people that have been to prison, they reformed, realized their mistakes and improved. Alex hasn’t changed at all. He stayed the same. There were some cases when he could get to jail but Fedor stepped in again. There were also some cases when Fedor literally saved his life. Being honest, prison is the best place for Alex. Fedor made a great push to take him out of a jail as early as possible. I remember 2002 when Fedor said “I’d like Alex to get out of jail somewhat quicker”. Fedor is the reason why Alexander is free now. Actually he owes his brother everything he has at the present moment. Fedor carries him on his shoulders. Fedor gave him an opportunity to step in the ring, to make some money. He used to make good money because of his last name but he could not keep it, swapped everything for drink and parties.

He is likely to give that interview being drunk and drugget-out. You can see it by his voice in his interview about Fedor’s trainers - he was inadequate. He’s gonna be 30 in 2 days, this error was born on August 2nd, day of airborne troops, my holiday. And he is still living from one drunken feast to another, from one scuffle to another. He must be missing the jail.

VT: Did you train with Alexander?

SK: He came to our gym in about a month since he went at large and Fedor asked me not to punch Alex too strong. And after it Alex said in his interview that he had taught me how to punch. What can a criminal teach you in a month after prison?

VT: Do you think there’s a risk for Fedor to be infected when he trains with Alexander?

SK: It’s just not comfortable for Fedor to turn his brother down. The only way Alex can knock somebody out now is the smell of an alcohol from his mouth.

I don’t think it was a good idea to take Alex to the camp. His comment “We were hanging out in Kislovodsk for three weeks” means that he distracted Fedor from training process.

And he always says «We» in his interviews. Who are those “we”? Fedor will get a lot of respect regardless of number of his losses. He is a respectful athlete and worthy person. Concerning Alex I can say that he is the reason why our relations with Fedor became worth. We’ve drifted apart. It would be a great pleasure for me to come to Kislovodsk and train with Fedor but Alexnader’s presence there makes it impossible.

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