Monday, August 30, 2010

Sex Drive Thru in Zurich! Put it in the win column...

Found this on TIME, apparently you can have sex with a prostitute at any point during the day or night as long as you park you car in these "covered" parking spots.  Looks like Charles Barkley may be making a move soon.  Check out a quote from the article:

"The boxes will serve as quickie drive-throughs, so-to-speak, and will free up city streets from unsightly acts that haunt Zurich residents whose homes overlook the city's red light district. "They get up to all sorts in broad daylight - and we're sick to death of looking at it," one resident told the U.K.'s Metro. (Silvio Berlusconi and the Politics of Sex)

From the looks of things, the boxes are big enough to conceal vehicles while prostitutes and clients handle business, away from the public eye."

So when there is a line, and you know there will be a line, do you really think these people are going to want to wait?  They say Americans are lazy, these bastards already have a red light district and they can't even get out of their cars to fuck a stranger for money.  I think the best part is that the cops just gave up and decided that if people were going to continue to transfer syphillis in their vehicles, then at least they can do behind three doors.

Lets take a moment to thank the Swiss for their innovation and problem solving skills...


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