Sunday, January 3, 2010

Timing of the African Cup: What's the Fuss?

As we all know the Africa Cup of Nations 2010 in Angola is going to kick-off on Jan 10th, a week from now. It is usually the biggest event in the continent (usually since this year the world cup is in Africa) In my opinion it is the 3rd best Continental tournament behind the World Cup and The Euros as unlike their counterparts in South America, African players actually leave their clubs and come to play there. Here there lies the problem.

As was discussed in many English and European blogs the timing of the Cup of Nations seems to be to the disliking of Europe in general and specifically European Clubs with African players. I thought I would discuss this from a more African point of view albeit that Egyptian players are not affected as most of them sadly play locally.

Europe's argument has always been that playing in January robs clubs of their players in an integral part of the season and why couldn't the competition be played in June like most other Continental Competitions. More so is the fact that it is played every 2 years and in the same years of the World Cup which over exerts these players come the next season. They suggest that it should be played every 4 years and or in odd years to avoid clashes with the World Cup.

The CAF and Africa reply that playing in January is essential as the weather in Africa is very hot in the summer months and in some areas of the great continent there is a rainy season at that time. As for the gap of only 2 years, CAF says that the tournament helps improve the infrastructure in the countries that organize the event and the frequency gives the opportunity for more countries to get the chance to do that.

Both arguments hold a lot of merit. European Clubs pay the wages of these players and have a right to feel aggrieved and at the same time the players themselves are put in an awkward place and if they are not world class players like Drogba they risk losing their place in the team. This could lead to one of two things happening; more Top class clubs decide against buying African Players like Manchester United for example and AC Milan to some extent, or Players can stop attending on the longer run and the tournament will turn into the Copa America. Also players will be overexerted especially if they are also playing in the world cup. They don't get a break after the Cup of Nations or after the World Cup and by the start of the new season they are already burned out. Off course there are ways to minimize this but why should clubs go through this? On the other hand making the Cup every two years does improve infrastructure in organizing countries and excites the economy in Africa as a whole to some extent. We have seen this a number of times, Burkina Faso stands out. At the end, the Europeans try forcing their view and the Africans are too proud to listen to any outside voices especially from Europe (history plays a part in this case). What then is to be done? The solution is simple in my opinion and lies in combining both views.

For starters the CAF should have no problem adjusting the Africa Cup of Nations to being played in odd years instead of even years to avoid conflicts with the World Cup. All that needs to be done is skipping one Cup of Nations or playing 2 in consecutive years. It still should be played every two years as the impact on the continent is noticeable. On the other hand the argument of playing the Cup of Nations in January because of the weather is frankly very very weak. Yes it is hot in the summer but the African Champions League Starts and continues to be played all through the summer plus the equator splits Africa into two parts so there will always be a country with poor weather at some point in time. Therefore moving it to June will make everyone happy, African players and their Clubs. Also it will increase the viewing audiences considerably as it will be played at a time where no football is being played anywhere else in the world leading to more exposure for the African Game and maybe on the long run leading to more World Cup places. If the CAF doesn't like this then how about alternating between January and June depending on the weather conditions in the organizing country at the time?

I hope that such changes be given a hard long look as I would love to continue seeing the continents top professional play both at great clubs and in the greatest tournament in Africa. Feel free to provide any suggestions or feedback.

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