Monday, October 5, 2009

You don't Know What You are Doing

Well I wasn't planning on writing anything regarding this issue, but on my way to work I happen to turn on the radio and listen to a member of the Egyptian Football Federation Mr. Medhat Shalaby talk about the actions of Egyptian U-20 Striker Boogy or as he's called in the U-20 World Cup "Bogy". What he was saying really bothered me.
Let's first recap the incident in question. During Egypt crunch U-20 World Cup game versus Italy and with the scores level at 2-2 Bogy entered the game with 30minutes to go having only played a few minutes in the previous games. With almost his first touch of the ball he scored a well taken header from inside the six yard box to give Egypt the lead. As his team mates rushed to congratulate him, the big striker astonishingly proceeded to push them away with great anger and seemed to be running towards the bench uttering insults directed towards the Egyptian head coach Miroslav Soukup and his assistant former Egyptian international Hani Ramzy. Thankfully his teammates managed to tackle him to the ground in celebration. He later added a wonderful second goal to put away the result.

Mr. Shalaby proceeded to say that Bogy was "unjustly" benched and as a result he exploded with these actions that are off course incorrect. He continued that the boy was a starter in friendly games in preparation to the tournament and showed great promise and "stars" like him don't like to be benched. Bogey was punished with a fine and Mr. Shalaby added that anybody calling for his suspension was gravely mistaken. I switched off the radio.
I didn't agree with every single word Mr. Shalaby said. For starters how is benching a player unjust? I thought the coach was who to decide his starting eleven and making excuses for a 19 year old boy that decided to swear at his manager instead of thanking him for this opportunity is baseless. The boy should be thanking Soukup for the faith he has bestowed open him and giving him the chance to portray his skills in front of his country and the world. Bogy's two goals would have been enough of a statement to any manager in the world. "I win games, play me!"
Calling a 19 year old that 99% of football fans in Egypt didn't even know what he looked like a "Star" baffles me. Yes stars don't like getting benched but even football greats don't proceed to swear at managers after scoring goals. Imagine Drogba swearing at Ancelotti or Rooney at Sir Alex! Bogy is NOT a Star, he is a football player that should have been taught a lesson about the true spirit of the game. Off course he should not be made a scape goat publicly least of all cause he is young but mostly not to upset the team spirit during an important tournament. However he should be severely punished. What example are we sending to our younger generation of footballers coming through and people watching the game. What about his team mates? It's ok to be rude and violent if you score goals? I'm eager to see if Mr. Soukup will play him next game, either way it is up to him.
The words of forgiveness coming from an Egyptian Federation member don't make sense though as Mr. Shalaby was a member of the same Federation that allowed Hassan Shehata to publicly suspend Mido from playing CAN 2006 final after a row he had with him for subbing him off. Mido mind you is a Star and didn't once insult Shehata in the ordeal. It was up to the coach to play him or not but the Federation proceeded to ban Mido for 2months. Why the inconsistency? Is there a personal problem with Mido? Maybe it's cause Mr. Shehata was about to win a major tournament and they didn't want to upset him? Possibly to find an excuse if Soukup and Ramzy fail to beat Costa Rica tomorrow while not playing him? Where was the media? Who knows?
Again this is the same Federation that supported Shehata in banning Egypt Star Mohamed Zidan for failing to attend a friendly home game and branding him a traitor!!!!. These incidents seem very subtle as compared to an attempt to assault your coaches and actually swearing at them on international television. I'm sorry Mr. Shalaby and Mr. Zaher, but you don't know what your doing. Stop the inconsistency and double standards

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