Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Who Are Ya?

Rarely would I have expected that watching a Premier League football game would instill such rage and anger inside of me. I was not counting on Mad-Ebayor to pull off so much crap out of his bag. Sitting down to watch the Arsenal versus City game I knew it was always going to be an interesting game. City were unbeaten and looking to establish themselves as a new powerhouse in English football. Two X Arsenal players, Adebayor and Toure were facing off against their team. Being a Gunner myself I held no ill feelings towards either player. They had a good run at the club and if they felt they want to leave then they should. I am never a fan of keeping players against their will as they will never give 100% if they are unhappy. Although sadly in Egypt Clubs tend to think of players as slaves of some sort and anyone who dares think about leaving clubs (especially from Ahly and Zamalek) or actually succeeds in doing so is deemed to have "escaped", yes this is a direct translation of the word used to describe such player, the same word we use to describe convicts and prisoners!

Anyways the game ended in a 4-2 win for City, a shock by itself for me and possibly a reality check that Wenger's youth project is all but doomed to failure for another year. Arsenal were again conceding at periods of the game were they were dominant just as they did versus United, they showed once again they are a team of boys and not men, sadly. I hope Mr. Wenger can prove me and all of his critics wrong.

Saddened by the result I was however left infuriated by Adebayor. He started out with a studs challenge on Fabregas that could have left him injured, an elbow here and there and so on. He then upped his game and decided to step on Van Persie's face while Robin was on the ground. This action was of clear malice. It had bad intentions all over it. One replay angle showed it very clearly, he knew were he was and what exactly he was doing. He should have been sent off. Luckily Robin was not seriously injured except for a bloody face. Why the violence?
Adebayor then scored the third goal that effectively clinched the game for City, good enough.. Not for him! He proceeded to run the full length of the pitch and celebrated in front of the Arsenal away fans, the fans were undoubtedly annoyed and only a miracle stopped the situation from escalating. Why the hate? By then I was fuming and like a friend was telling me if Viera was there Adebayor would have been out on a stretcher, I wished he was!
Adebayor then claimed that he didn't mean to step on Van Persie's face and he was run with emotions and wasn't thinking when he ran 70 meters to celebrate infront of the fans he claimed jeered him last season. These set of excuses are as lame as it can get. Adebayor had an agenda against Arsenal and Arsenal fans and frankly he has no reason to act this way. He was jeered at the start of the season because he had openly talked about moving to Barcelona and Milan, no loyalty from the player...no loyalty from the fans. However the jeers stopped towards the end of the season even though it was obvious to everyone how lazy he has become. When a good offer came to him Arsenal sold him so he can make the money he wants and fulfill his dreams, Arsenal were under no pressure to sell him, he was under contract for sometime. Another person would have appreciated this. Not Adebayor. Toure did and he was a gentlemen as always.
As an African I'm always supportive of talented players from the continent. I'm possibly one of two Egyptians who adore Drogba. With Adebayor I'm breaking the trend. I will cheer on United for the first time in years next week as they take him on. City have now become my new Zamalek/Inter, I used to like them. I will be laughing out load when City finish 5th. Most of all I will be looking forward to seeing Adebayor drop down the table after the FA hits him with a six game ban, boy I hope they do. Just heard he's being charged on the both incidents.

P.S: I'm not putting a picture of Adebayor in my blog:)

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